The Glorious Glasgow Celtic Football Club, Chicago Fire Football Club, A.S. Livorno Calcio. Vinyl junkie. I'm partial to the odd alcoholic beverage now and again. And I'm a proud trade unionist. WORKERS OF THE WORLD UNITE!
Decent skins, mods, soulies, scooterists, suedes, smoothies, sorts.... anyone that isn't goose stepping nazi trash.
Sweet Soul music, Skinhead Reggae and Brit Pop. SLADE,SLADE Fucking SLADE!!!. Can't forget the Redskins and Easterhouse.
Political documentaries (Jenin, Jenin will break your heart), I Am Cuba (best film ever made), Ken Loach films and let's see..........oh yeah, zombie flicks.
I consume all reading material like a great reading material consuming thingy.
Hugo Chavez,The Proletariat, oppressed peoples that have the guts to fight back, and anyone that has ever socked up a nazi. Sláinte.