Hi, I'm a duck. I live in a pond. I like to swim all day and dive under water. It is what we ducks do. It is assuredly the most enjoyable thing in the world that you could possibly do. I also look out for my friends Peep and Chirp. We have adventures together and they need my guidance since they have not yet experienced as much of this big wide world as I have. Ducks are born with all sorts of worldly knowledge, which I'm sure you didn't know. Although, it is common knowledge that ducks say wonderful and insightful things and are quoted worldwide for their infinite wisdom. My friends Peep and Chirp have told me that the following things that I've said really show off my own personal wisdom.
"The first thing you need to know is that ducks are the greatest animal of all."
"Of course I'm a duck! I have all the duck bits! The bill. The webbed feet. The cute tail. The sailor hat."
"A duck is not a duck without his hat."
(sung)"Oh, there's nothing like a duck. You can look, but you won't have any luck"
"All I want to do right now, is put on my hat and go sit in my puddle."
Those are my good friends Chirp (front), Peep (middle), and I'm the handsome one in the back with the blue feathers and stylin' hat.