karadaradoo profile picture


Taking Pulls With Friends Is Fun

About Me

For those of you who haven't heard it through the grapevine...
I recently (on July 21st) got engaged :)

I have two jobs because I am totally self sufficient and I also don't like being broke. But work hard and play harder, right? I have my "real" job at a desk in an office and a job at the mall selling shoes Al Bundy style. If I ever learn how to spin records, my dj name will be djniceass. I'm not a big fan of talking on the phone. Mint gum totally sucks, so I only chew cinnamon. I would like to buy my own house so that I can have a dog, a kick ass grill, and my very own lawn gnome. I also wouldn't mind doing some traveling, since I own some fancy suitcases. **I definately hate cigarettes more than anything else in the world.** 2nd to that, I hate chotches and if you don't know what one is, then you probably are one. And a downfall of mine is that I can be too nice to and forgiving of people who really don't derserve it.

My Interests

Hot fudge raspberry sundaes with pecans from Culver's, guacamole, chocolate martinis, Ciroc Vodka with diet tonic, shots of 44 North, Leinenkugles Amber Light or Blue Moon even though I mostly drink Miller Lite, working out, Kris Kleinbeck cuz he has blonde hair, cuddling, the color green, Target, roller coasters are awesome, giraffes are neat, going on adventures to Chicago, listening to good music, dancing to a kick ass dj throwin down some major heat!

I'd like to meet:

1. People who do not smoke cigarettes
2. People who are honest and do not lie
3. People who are not a waste of my time
4. People who have direction in life (high school dropouts need not apply)
5. People who have AB+ blood (which is only about 3% of US population)
6. People who hold doors (cuz I hate when I'm right behind someone and they let the door slam in my face)
7. People who have something worthwhile to say - slimy scum horny bastards lookin for some of this nice ass GO AWAY!! This means you!!


HOUSE MUSIC is my fav - need I say more? I like it deep or jackin depending on my mood. But I do like other variations of electronic music too. However, TRANCE MAKES ME PROJECTILE VOMIT, so watch out! What kind of techno music are you?
You are house!
Take this quiz !


GoodFellas and Office Space
But I really, really like scary/horror/thriller movies that make me jump!


I watch the local news a lot - Fox6 News is THE BEST! I like watching the Discovery Health channel too even though I totally squirm everytime they show something gross - which is all the time. And watching the Green Bay Packers when it's football season is a must.


I recently bought two books that I have every intention of reading in the near future...


Debbie Lubsey and sometimes her oldest son

My Blog

Once upon a time...

The world's shortest fairy tale... (courtesy of princess aprilla) Once upon a time, a girl asked a guy "Will you marry me?" The guy said, "No". And the girl lived happily ever after and went shoppin...
Posted by karadaradoo on Wed, 26 Jul 2006 10:25:00 PST

Where should I move? Survey says...

American Cities That Best Fit You:70% Chicago60% Atlanta55% Honolulu55% New York City55% PhiladelphiaWhich American Cities Best Fit You?...
Posted by karadaradoo on Wed, 28 Jun 2006 08:29:00 PST


Nice.Love is one of a kind.Great listener.Very Good in bed.Lover not a fighter, but will still punch your lights out.Trustworthy.Always happy.Loud.Talkative.Outgoing.Very forgiving.Loves to make out....
Posted by karadaradoo on Fri, 16 Jun 2006 08:11:00 PST

Why am I not surprised?

You Are Bud LightYou're not fussy when it comes to beer. If someone hands it to you, you'll drink it. In fact, you don't understand beer snobbery at all. It all tastes the same once you'r...
Posted by karadaradoo on Sat, 18 Mar 2006 06:51:00 PST

Keys To My Heart Quiz Results

The Keys to Your HeartYou are attracted to those who have a split personality - cold as ice on the outside but hot as fire in the heart. In love, you feel the most alive when your partner is pa...
Posted by karadaradoo on Sat, 18 Mar 2006 06:05:00 PST