[three] profile picture


...it's all about the music

About Me

2005 Best Dance Club Shepherd Express Reader's Poll
2004 Best Dance Club Shepherd Express Reader's Poll

Three opened in May 2001 as a place to allow Freedom of expression. No restrictions on the music DJ's play, no dress code, no attitude......it's all about the music and nothing more. For 7 years Three has provided a venue with great people, good sound, strong drinks and a friendly staff. Over the year's we have won awards and we appreciate the accolades. Most of all we appreciate you, the friends, family, DJ's, customers and neighbors who have helped get to where we are. Three's Mission is to provide a comfortable intimate night club with the best music every night and allow the artists to express themselves without limitations. Our staff is dedicated to providing the best service available anywhere, and a fantastic drink. In the future we will provide you with many new nights, Dj's, parties, drinks and special events.

My Interests


Member Since: 9/22/2005
Influences: Josh Wink- John Aquaviva- Sandra Collins- Kaskade- Green Velvet- Bear Who?- Roy Davis Jr.- Sleazy McQueen- Junior Sanchez- Dj db- David Garcia- Vicious Vic- Danny The Wild Child- Phantom 45- Johnny Fiasco- James Lauer- Elliott Eastwick- Punisher- Fortune- Alex Peace- Bobby Hudson-- Jimmie Page- Mark Grant- David Dominguez- Doormouse- Derek Plaslaiko- Mark Lewis- Andy Callwell- Lance DeSardi- JT Donaldson- James Zbiala- ESP Woody McBride- Jonn Hawley- James Amato- Brad Owen a.k.a Synergy- Jack Trash- Solange- Chuck Love- Jesse De La Pena - Tommy Sunshine- Blake Jarrel- Mark Verbos- Miles Maeda- Nick Nice- Mixin Mark- Steve Smooth- Gein- Mark Almaria- The Sound Republic- Joe Gauthreuax- Honey Dijon- Colette- Dayhota- Jevon Jackson- Lady D - Dan Mnookin- Dan x- Steven K- Paul Anthony- Stacey Kidd- J.Phlip- Massimo DeCosta- Raoul Belmans- Bam Bam- Lego- DJ Ion- Frankie Vego- Angel Alanis -Reid Speed -
Type of Label: None

My Blog

722 North Milwaukee Street

contact info Three 722 North Milwaukee Street Milwaukee Wisconsin 53202 414.225.0003 www.threelounge.com
Posted by [three] on Wed, 28 Sep 2005 12:43:00 PST