*You hear a long mournful howl as the shadow of a wolf suddenly appears*
Greetings from the west tx desert! I am Scorpioshewolf, a scorpio woman with the heart of a wolf. I'm an enlightened mom of 3 beautiful kids, two bengal cats (lil leopards), and a jack russell. By enlightened, I mean that I am a seeker of enlightenment & truth. And on that note, I've found truth & enlightenment in many different religions (both ancient & new). I've researched into many different paths, in search of the "right one". And it has been one hell of a wild ride...lol. My search for truth & enlightenment developed as a result of trying to better understand why I was so different from most ppl. I'm gifted (& cursed) in many ways. I'm too empathetic for my own good sometimes. My dreams keep me up many nights. The spirits are always around, and I can usually "feel" them. I could go on & on. I'm also an artist, moved by music, artwork, and poetry.Here's the latest addition to our pack. *howl*Check out my imvu profile below!To tell you everything about me, I'd have to write a book. My life's story would make for a very interesting read, full of drama, action, horror, adventure, and many so called, "paranormal" experiences.
My biggest passions are my sweetheart, wolves, and nature. Wolves are emotional, spiritual, & intelligent. They live for their family, or pack, and they mate for life. It's sad that most humans cannot say the same. I wish people were
more like wolves. I say that I have the heart of a wolf because I am like the wolf in many ways. I love people for who they are, regardless of their looks, popularity, or finances. Wolves care for their young, sick, and old. They
help those less fortunate within their pack. I noticed I'm the same way. I've helped many different people, in many different ways, over the years. Wolves are loyal to their mate, & their pack. I'm no different. I'd defend those I
love, to the bitter end, & I've never cheated in a romantic relationship. Wolves love unconditionally. All you have to do is look at your dog to realize that. Well, once in love, that's how I love. My boyfriend, family, and friends are more important to me than anything else in this life. They are my 'pack', and no matter what happens, they all know I will always be there for them.
If you wanna know more about me, then feel free to give me a howl.
"When we find a person whose mind mirrors our own -- mirrors: their thoughts are our thoughts, our thoughts are theirs, not because they want to be, because they naturally are -- when you find a person who thinks as highly of you as you do yourself and vice versa, the magnetic power of mind to mind is billions of years transcendent of sexual attraction. When we find out our greatest mystery, our greatest hope -- which is ourself -- finally reflected in another one, we are confused; is it the other or is it myself? It is the same. That is when we love." Ramtha (from "The Magic of Finding Our Perfect Mirror")
"I seem to have loved you in numberless forms,
numberless times,
In life after life, in age after age forever.
My spell-bound heart has made and re-made the
necklace of songs
That you take as a gift, wear round your neck in
your many forms.
In life after life, in age after age forever."
From 'Unending Love' by Rabindranath Tagore"If u talk 2 the animals they will talk with u & u will know eachother. If u do not talk 2 them u will not know them, & what u do not know uwill fear. What One fears One destroys." Chief Dan George"Within the perfect symmetry of a circle, is held the essentialnature of the universe. Strive to learn from it...to reflect that order" XXIStanza of Merlin"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It isthe source of all true art and science. He to whom the emotion is a stranger,who can no longer pause to wonder and stand wrapped in awe, is as good asdead; his eyes are closed. The insight into the mystery of life, coupledthough it be with fear, has also given rise to religion. To know what isimpenetrable to us really exists, manifesting itself as the highest wisdomand the most radiant beauty, which our dull faculties can comprehend only intheir most primitive forms- this knowledge, this feeling is at the center oftrue religiousness." Albert Einstein"Music exalts each joy, allays each grief, Expels diseases, softensevery pain- And hence the Wise of Ancient Days adored
One power of Psysic, Melody and Song!" Armstrong, 'Celtic Poet'"The three preoccupations of the human mind are: sex, death and theanguish of time-space." Salvador Dali"I have yet to meet a single person from our culture, no matter whathis or her educational background, IQ, and specific training, who hadpowerful transpersonal experiences and continues to subscribe to thematerialistic monism of Western science."- Albert Einstein"Few people are capable of expressing with equanimity opinions whichdiffer from the prejudices of their social environment. Most people are evenincapable of forming such opinions."- Albert Einstein"All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind iseverything. What we think, we become."- Maharishi Mahesh Yogi"Respect the Elders, Teach the Young , Cooperate with the pack, playwhen you can , hunt when you must, rest in between, share your Affection,voice your Feelings, Leave your Mark!!!""One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people.
He said, ‘My son, the battle is between two ‘wolves’ inside us all..
One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt,
resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.
The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence,
empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.’
The grand son thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather: ‘Which wolf wins?’
The old Cherokee simply replied, ‘The one you feed.’" -unknown"They say the wolf bestows its happy spirit to help people. Women who obtain this spirit becomeskilled in creative endevours and experience a strengthening of the senses. I would like to thinkthere is some truth to this in my own life."
~ Judi Rideout"Only a mountain has lived long enough to listen objectively to the howl of a wolf."
~ Aldo Leopold""To look into the eyes of a wolf is to see your own soul - hope you like what you see."
~ Aldo Leopold"We reached the old wolf in time to watch the fierce green fire dying in her eyes... There wassomething new to me in those eyes-- something known only to her and the mountains. I was youngthen, and full of trigger-itch. I thought that because fewer wolves more deer that no wolves wouldmean hunter's paradise, but after seeing the green fire die, I sensed that neither the wolf nor themountain agreed with such a view."
~ Aldo Leopold"The gaze of the wolf reaches into our soul."
~ Barry Lopez"We humans fear the beast within the wolf because we do not understand the beast withinourselves."
~ Gerald Hausman"Wolf is the Grand Teacher. Wolf is the sage, who after many winters upon the sacred path andseeking the ways of wisdom, returns to share new knowledge with the tribe. Wolf is both the radicaland the traditional in the same breath. When the Wolf walks by you - you will remember."
~ Robert Ghost Wolf“Wolves are not our brothers; they are not our subordinates, either. They are another nation,caught up just like us in the complex web of time and life.â€
~ Henry Beston“For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Packâ€Rudyard Kipling"Whosoever is delighted in solitude is either a wild beast or a god." -- Sir Francis BaconThis profile was made by me. I created the background, the customcontact box & online indicator, as well as a few other graphics in myprofile. Let me know what you think loves. Wolfish Love to you all!
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