Last Time I Saw The Sun It Blew Me Off The Street profile picture

Last Time I Saw The Sun It Blew Me Off The Street

You can take your false 'left'/'right' political paradigm & stick it where the sun don't shine.

About Me

I am currently playing bass with Negative Offset out of West Odessa.

You can check out Negative Offset at the following myspace web address: and you can hear our songs on the music player below.

Although my main networking objective here on myspace is to network with mostly people from West Texas and Eastern New Mexico I am open to all friend requests from all over the world. Always open to meet new and interesting people.

Just before helping re-form Negative Offset I was playing bass with Worm Food another local Death-Metal / Sewer Metal band. You can find music from Worm Food at the following myspace web-address:

Watch the video below for more info about the free dvd's.

My Interests

Music, Shortwave Radio ,, data mining, internet Warfare, cyber warfare, information warfare, Amateur Radio (HAM) , Pirate Radio, Patriot Radio, Freedom Radio, Altnerative Media, Numbers Station(s) ,, VHF , UHF , SWL , The Conet Project , bass, art, O.T.R. (Old Time Radio Shows), computers, technology, Networking, DXing, culture(s), history, 3.880MHz, 3.885MHz, 3.890MHz, 7.290MHz, 7.295MHz, 7.415MHz, 5.110MHz, 9.330MHz, 18.910MHz, 5.050MHz, 6.950MHz, 5.765MHz, 5.070MHz, 7.465MHz, 5.755MHz, 12.180MHz, 12.160MHz, 3.215MHz, 9.985MHz, 9.975MHz, 3.185MHz, 9.385MHz, 9.590MHz, 5.950MHz, 15.285MHz, 5.280MHz, 3.840MHz

I'd like to meet:

Metalheads, Info-warriors, Data-miners, Truthers, DXers, Amateur Radio Operators (HAM's), SWL's (Shortwave Radio Listeners), Pirate Radio Broadcasters, etc.


Slayer, Solefald, Puissance , Suffocation, Estradasphere, Bathory, Quorthon, Midnattsol, Exodus, Testament, Opeth, Kryoburn, Cornelius Jakhelln, Lazare Nedland, Fredrik Söderlund, Henry Möller, Old Time Radio (OTR), Old Time Music Radio, Cannibal Corpse, P A I N, , Meshuggah, I.N.C. (Indestructable Noise Command)Devourment , Gorgoroth, Sepultura, S.O.D., G.U.T., Roger Patterson, Arckanum, Trelldom, Sex Machineguns, Lykathea Aflame, Steve Vai, Origin, The Cure, Profanatica, Electric Wizard, Psyopus, Sigfader, N-Cyde, Bogus Blimp, Epica, Kamelot, Setherial , Johnny Cash, Gaahlskagg, Thornspawn, Tony Choy, R.H.C.P., PanterA, Spazz (the band & the music style), basicaly I listen to whatever I want, however Death Metal, Thrash Metal, Speed Metal, Black Metal, Blakk Metal, Viking Metal, Folk Metal, Brutal Metal, Sewer Metal, Doom Metal, Grind, Oldschool Metal (all kinds), Heavy Metal, Hard Rock, 80's Metal, 80's Rock, 'Hair Metal', Rock N Roll, Classic Rock, Metal, Bluegrass, Electronic, Misanthropic, Neoclassical, Neofolk, Neoklasskikal, Elektronik, Jazz, Blues, Darkcore, Industrial, Deathrash, Experimental, Ambient, Drone, Hypnotik, Minimalist, Noize, Distortion, Power-Violence, are some of the styles I like to listen to. Though not limited to just those, I am very open minded about music. Nile, Fiona Apple, Tori Amos, , Immolation, Atheist, Incantation, Immortal, Aborym, Hypocrisy, Nuclear Assault, Fates Warning, Vio-lence, Pestilence, Atrophy (AZ), Death, Coroner, Daath, Agnostic Front, Overkill, Obituary, Morbid Angel, M.O.D., D.R.I., Prong, Gorelord, Anthrax, A.I.C., Megadeth, Pumpjack, Hatebreed, Asphyx, Metallica, Mysticum, Ulver, Arcturus, Octinomos, Parnassus, Tripwire, there are 10,000 others, to numerous to mention, its endless, so why even bother trying to list all of it?

And being close minded about music is just not a option. If I like it, then I like it, no matter what style/genre it is.


The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974) , Terrorstorm , Headcheese , Rio Peligroso , Roadwarrior, Mad Max, Wild Man of the Navidad , & anything from Greeks Productions / Trisomy Films & old John Wayne movies, & hundreds of films from the early 1900's up to present day, to much to list.


= weapon of mass distraction.

If I watch anything on my TV it is usualy old stuff. I own all 7 seasons of The Dukes of Hazzard, and all 6 seasons of Sanford and Son. Thats about all I watch. Fuck the modern propaganda machines, corporate mouthpiece networks and disinfo specialists of the lame-stream media. And yes I know who owns MySpace, Fuck'em.


Good Times Magazine of West Texas


Mostly musicians and thinkers: Steve Harris, Cliff Burton, Alex Webster, John Wayne, Tony Choy, Steve DiGiorgio, Roger Patterson, B-War, Les Claypool, Flea... & so many more great musicians, great minds,& great people, through out history.
Alex Jones
Mark Koernke
David Ray Griffin
Jordan Maxwell
William Rodriguez
Veterans For 9/11 Truth (
Architects & Engineers For 9/11 Truth (
Musicians For 9/11 Truth (
Scholars For 9/11 Truth (
Pilots For 9/11 Truth (
Student Scholars For 9/11 Truth (
Bill Of Rights Defense Committee (
We The People Radio Network (
TruthNet Radio Network (
Republic Broadcasting Network (
Anyone that is 'awake' enough to see through this whole false "left" / "right" political paradigm. All this talk of: