"I WOULD RATHER BE HATED FOR WHO I AM THAN LOVED FOR WHO I AM NOT" ................ I am a 39 year old dad. I HAVE MY DAUGHTERS NAME IN HER HANDWRITING TATTOOD ON MY NECK. I LOVE AND MISS MY BABY. I AM THE BEST DAD THERE IS. I MAKE MISTAKES IN LIFE BUT MY KIDS ARE MY PRIDES. THE MISTAKES ARE WITH OUTSIDERS. IN SOME CASES I WILL WALK AWAY FROM WOMEN TO SAVE US BOTH. LADY DINGBAT, YOU KNOW I DID NOT MEAN TO HURT YOU BUT I HAD TO WALK TO STAY ALIVE... THE DRUGS WERE KILLING ME!!! I DID WHAT WAS BEST FOR BOTH OF US. YOU NEED TO UNDERSTAND. I AM HAPPY NOW YOU ARE BACK IN MY LIFE AND WE ARE FINALLY ADULTS. IN THE HEAD, HEART AND SOUL!!.I KNOW YOU ARE UNHAPPY. I WILL TRY TO FIX THAT.. I AM HERE AS A FRIEND WHEN EVER YOU LEARN TO GET OVER IT. MY LEAVING HAD TO BE. I TOLD YOU WHEN I LOOKED INTO YOUR EYES.. "I HAVE TO GO TO CALIFORNIA AND FIND MYSELF".... I DID! BE HAPPY. I AM NOT MAD. i do love you... I CAN LOVE THE RIGHT WAY. IT IS THE FOCUS I HAVE MADE OVER THE LAST YEAR. I ABANDONED THE ANGER AND CAN EXPRESS THE SOULS LOVE.... NOW THAT YOU ARE BACK, AND RAECHELL AND CHRIS ARE ALL ON HANDS AND BACK AS A FAMILY, I AM AT PEACE.About me: Being a dad is the most important thing in my life.i have 2 kids...my beautiful son, Chris who is 18 and a pimp! and my beautiful baby girl, Raechell, who is 6....and will be seeing me soon. For the last 10 years i have learned different ways of anger. I chose not to love and kept it out of my vocabulary. in doing so i have hurt a few very important females in my life. those who wanted love and expressed their love to me. because i had denied love i filled the void with ANGER. this last year of my life, i have readjusted the anger factor. there is still some there but it is not as bad and under control. i am clean and sober and can finally see what life is all about. i will chose to love again. i have chosen to love. the path of destruction i left should not exist. i am sorry to the 2 main people in my life as this is concerned. the mothers of my children. please forgive me for all of my sins. i love you both..... Diane my daughters mother has taught me new strengths. control, and passion, patience and respect, but she defined the word "SCORNED" and it is well understood. for her i have no hard feelings, i wish her well in this life. i do have love for her. RAECHELL I LOVE YOU TOO BABY!! Kellie, my sons mom. i thank for getting pregnant and giving me my beautiful son. for sticking with me for the 10 hardest years of my life... and i know you have said if i did not cheat on you... we would still be together.. you i will always love and respect. you have given me strengths as well and i thank you. we've come a LONG way baby. you and i are for life.....these 2 women rule. they continue my blood, and who could ask for anything more. 1 boy, 1 girl. both RINETTI'S!! . ......as for me....hi my name is Larry Rinetti.... I am a bay area native who was lucky enough to been a part of the True metal scene! Exodus, Slayer, Possessed, Vio-lence, Forbidden Evil, Metallica (I even met Cliff Burton) Testament, Death Angel and More. if it werent for Jeff Stewart, Craig Locicero, Robb Flynn and Jim Pittman and Bob Yost (tape trader from HELL)....i am not sure i would be so into the metal scene....these are my root friends who showed me the other side of "rock"...i have thrashed many a show with these guys and partied with them till i could not see right. "its called long island ice tea.....drink it and shut up" ...Like i said, the true metal scene!! THE REAL MUSIC ERA!