Fashion design, writing music, performing around Southside, painting, drawing, jamming with friends, listening to music, seeing live bands, dating, karaoke, bowling, singing and dancing in my car, shooting pool, making fun of suckers and stupid people, hanging out with new people, taking my son to the park, watching movies, ...yada yada yada...
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..::Bored as Hell::..
..::Personal Info::..
Name:: Shannon Reed
Middle name:: Forrest September
Are you named after anyone?:: forrest was a really pretty girl my mom knew in school a long time ago
Age:: 25
Sex:: female
When is your birthday?:: Sept. 1
Zodiac Sign:: virgo
Blood type:: uh, yah, that's a lil personal, eh? next you'll be wanting to know my shoe size....
Where were you born?:: homewood, al
Where do you live now?:: hahaha....homewood, al
Who with?:: just me and sometimes my lil boy
Have any siblings?:: yup, older bro, a younger bro, and a lil sis
Are you parents divorced?:: no, but they SHOULD be....i keep trying to talk them into it....
What is your heritage?:: scotch-irish and cherokee....great great great grandaddy was a full-blooded indian chief
..::More About Me::..
Hair color:: finally changed it to jet black
Eye color:: greenish-brown
Height:: 5'10 without heels.... up to 6'3 with
Weight:: nunya
Clothing style:: casual rock! sometimes girly (for work)
Shoe size:: uh-huh,....i thought so....
Political Persuasion:: i kinda stay outta politics, side changes every year because my life changes every year...
Do you wear glasses?:: yah
Contacts?:: yah
Do you have braces?:: nope, never did
Piercings?:: a few in my ears
Tattoos?:: yah, a dragonfly on my left foot
Right or left handed?:: right
..::Do You::..
Have any pets?:: not anymore
Drink?:: socially
Smoke?:: haha, smoked for like 3 weeks, then quit
Do drugs?:: not any that shouldn't be legal.... =)
Have a curfew?:: i bet my mom WISHES i still had one! haha
Like thunderstorms?:: LOVE 'EM!!!! they rock my socks
Do your homework?:: never did when i was in school
Make good grades?:: see above
Have any phobias?:: height-a-phobia
Play any sports?:: tennis, basketball with my lil man =)
Play an instrument?:: guitar, piano
Have a job?:: yah
Believe in God?:: of course
Believe in karma?:: definitely
Believe in government?:: hmm,...i believe it exists, yes, i think it does a good job or the right thing?? eh, no
Think aliens exist?:: sure, why not? no real proof to the contrary
Like to travel?:: oh yah!!
Hate school?:: i did, especially MATH!! bleh!
Like having your picture taken?:: NO!!
Ride rollercoasters?:: eh, i will, but i don't really like 'em...that whole height thing, you know....
Daydream a lot?:: YAH!!
Have many exes?:: nope, just the 1
Like cows?:: what the hell kind of question....?
Have any hidden talents?:: i can growl like a tiger...i dunno
Wear makeup?:: sometimes
Drive?:: uh, YAH!
Cheat?:: absolutely not!
Lie?:: who doesn't from time to time?
Steal?:: no
Believe in love at first sight?:: not really,....never seen it firsthand
..::Have You Ever::..
Been in a fight?:: i've punched a couple of guys in my attacked me and the other,...well,....he made fun of my singing! it was TOTALLY justified!! hahaha
Been in a car accident?:: yah, SCARY
Gotten a speeding ticket?:: YEEEEEESSS... blimey bastard!
Said I love you and didn't mean it?:: no, never
Been fired from a job?:: nope
Gone toilet papering?:: who HASN'T?!?!
Written graffiti?:: yah
Failed a grade?:: nope
Skipped a grade?:: nope
Been skydiving?:: nope, no thanks
Gone skinny-dipping?:: not yet,....anyone wanna invite me along next time they go??
Played strip poker?:: nope, i SUCK at poker---i'd be naked in 2 seconds!!
Been to another country?:: yup, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and Mexico
Another state?:: yah, least half of 'em
Started a rumor?:: yah
Had a rumor started about you?:: hahahaha....yah. that i had a threesome in the cold storage room at work with my best friend and one of our guy friends...just wanted to see who would believe it!! haha
Been dumped?:: yup, sucks
Broken someone's heart?:: yah, i feel pretty crummy about those guys....
Dated someone younger than you?:: i really try not to do that...but, if it happens, it happens
Dated someone older?:: uh, YAH!
Had braces?:: never needed them
Found a dead body?:: no, but my dad did...he was pretty shaken up for a while
Faked sick?:: who hasn't??
Been rejected by a crush?:: yah,...YOU SUCK!! hahahaha
Made a prank phone call?:: LOL...yah, definitely
Broken a bone?:: yah, my son broke my nose a couple of years ago
Attempted suicide?:: no
Been rushed to the E.R.?:: yah, when i was drugged
Bitten someone?:: mean in a fight way or a playing-dirty-in-bed sorta way,....???
Fainted?:: yup, when i was pregnant
..::Would You Ever::..
Get a tattoo?:: ABSOLUTELY
Get your lip pierced?:: maybe
Get your tongue pierced?:: NO!!
Become a monk?:: nah
Run for president?:: nah
Kill someone?:: if they messed with my child, God have mercy on them, 'cause i sure as hell won't
Willingly become a vampire?:: what the hell...??
Use a time machine?:: oh, definitely!!
If so, where would you go to?:: all OVER the place...sit down with brilliant people from the past, and not so brilliant people...i'd still like to know what exactly Hitler was thinking.....
Food:: CHEESE!! on anything!
Drink:: chocolate martini
Ice cream:: B & J's New York Super Fudge Chunk
Flower:: Daffodils--in the wild; Daisies or Gerber Daisies--in the store
Candy:: kit kat! oooooh, and Nerds!!
Restaurant:: Outback
Places to shop:: DSW, Old Navy, Target
Movie:: Dead Poet's Society/Shawshank Redemption/Life is Beautiful
Actor/Actress:: Anthony Hopkins/Angelina Jolie--esp. in "Girl, Interrupted"
Music:: all kinds, dude
Band:: does Frank count??
Song:: hmmm... i'm liking a lot of Leigh Nash right now... "Along the Wall" is great!
Music Video:: don't watch tv
TV Show:: again, don't watch
Cartoon character:: betty boop....cute AND sexy
Channel:: TCM ....when i had tv
Album:: Nikka Costa's first one... PHENOMENAL!!
Colors:: purple, silver
Number:: 13
Animal:: sugar glilder
Day of the week:: friday, guh!
Holiday:: halloween....LOVE the costumes!!
Season of the year:: the rainy season in April??
Video game:: Call of Duty
Childhood memory:: catfishing with my Granddaddy before he died
Place to vacation:: Gatlinburg or Colorado
Smell:: hmmmm,...honey suckle, new car, my son's old baby clothes, Old Spice soap, Swiss Army cologne, strawberries, the world right before and after it rains,..i like a lot of smells
Fruit:: strawberries
Vegetable:: broccoli
Sport to watch:: soccer---World Cup, baby!!
Sport to play:: tennis
Technology:: iPod, digital camera
Vehicle:: motorcycle
..::This or That::..
Boxers or briefs:: hmmmm boxer briefs?? haha boxers are sexy too
Underwear or thongs:: thongs
Chocolate or vanilla:: chocolate
Movies or books:: depends
Love or lust:: love
Baths or showers:: yes
Whips or chains:: oooh,...naughty aren't we,...i'll take the chains, please!
Work or play:: work, then play
McDonalds or Burger King:: bleh
Coke or Pepsi:: coke
Ketchup or mustard:: yes
Mayonnaise or Miracle Whip:: who gives a ...??
Beef or chicken:: yes
Vampires or Werewolves:: jigger, wha??
Marvel Comics or DC Comics:: toughie,...i like characters from both
Nestea or Lipton:: ew!
Coffee or cappuccino:: bleh!
Love or money:: hmmm,...i think love is the more socially acceptable answer....
Deal or no deal:: wha?
Looks or personality:: looks are good for sure, but when the looks go, you gotta be able to get hot over that personality, so both i guess
Real or imaginary:: both have their perks..
Life or death:: hmm, gee,..that's a toughie....
Clean or dirty:: uh, CLEAN!
Kill or be killed:: kill
Moon or stars:: ya know, if you're lying in a field or sitting on a porch with someone sweet, it's all good... =)
Naughty or nice:: yes, please!
Croutons or bacon bits:: yes
Single or group dates:: yes
Hot or cold:: yes
Fire or ice:: ice
X-Box or Playstation:: don't care
Skateboards or rollerblades:: skateboards...cuter guys on 'em =)
Light or dark:: dark
Night or day:: night
Phone conversations or .. chats:: it's easier to say what you are really thinking .., so i dig that...
Image hosting Image hosting ..::Lasts::..
Last movie you watched:: Tenacious D: Pick of Destiny... fuckin' HILARIOUS!!
Last book you read:: reading The Secret Life of Houdini right now.... apparently he was a spy. =)
Last song you heard:: "What I'll Remember Most" by Over the Rhine
Last TV show you watched:: Law and Order--my fave!
Last place you ate:: at home
What did you eat?:: turkey sandwich... yummy
Last thing you laughed at:: myself
Last time you cried:: Thanksgiving
Last person you talked to:: Katie
Last person you hugged:: Connerbug
Last person you kissed:: uh,....let's not go there....=)
Last person you said I love you to:: my lil man
Last thing you bought:: a book
Last thought:: what the hell compelled me to fill this stupid survey out......
..::Top, 24 Friends::..
Who knows you the best?:: Daniel
Who is the sexiest?:: Kevin!! whoowhoo! Parker looks pretty fab too... =)
Goofiest?:: Mickey
Craziest?:: Deva!! hands down! =)
Nicest?:: gah, they're all nice
Coolest?:: again, they're all cool or they wouldn't be there
Most talented?:: hmmm, Teresa and Kevin are brilliant at design.... Kendra's phe-nom on the keys,... shoot, i can't pick.. too many talented people on there
Smartest?:: hmmm... probably Lee =)
..::In a Guy/Girl::..
Hair color:: any!! haha,...i prefer dark or multi-colored
Hair style:: cool....spikey, shaved, long, any really...just no mullets!! lol
Eye color:: blue is great, green is nice, brown will do
Height:: TALL!! tall, tall, tall...i have to be able to wear my heels with them
Weight:: don't really care,..just at least TRY to take care of yourself
Piercings?:: ooooh, yah, baby!! any or none, really
Tattoos?:: those are yummy too... =)
Geeky or cool:: a lil of both, honestly
Rebel or goody-good:: every girl loves a rebel...
Scruffy or clean-cut:: they're both hot, but scruffy is just dead sexy on every guy!
Muscular or skinny:: both
Passionate or careless:: i prefer passionate, but seem to attract careless....
Rich or poor:: as long as they make enough to be happy with themselves
Independent or dependent:: uh, gee, i dunno....INDEPENDENT!!
Sensitive or cold-hearted:: a lil of both, really
Athletic or lazy:: gee, again,...tough call...hahaha ATHLETIC
Goofy or serious:: a lil of both
Partyer or homebody:: a lil of both
Smoker?:: no,..i don't like the smell...or the taste... =)
Drinker?:: yah, as long as you keep it under control
Druggie?:: nah, been there, done thanks!
Smart and ugly or dumb and cute?:: oooh, now that really IS tough!!
Long-term or short-term relationships?:: short-term,...i don't like to be tied down,...unless it's in the bedroom...hahaha
..::Random Questions::..
If you could have an accent, what would it be?:: australian
How do you like your eggs?:: scrambled, or as french toast
Thoughts on President Bush?:: there isn't enough time in the world.....
What do you think about war?:: i think it happens, but you better have a damn good reason for starting one!!
Have any mental illnesses?:: like i'd tell you!! hahaha
Do you read your horoscope daily?:: nah, it's never right!
Have any cavities?:: yah
How many times a day do you brush your teeth?:: 2 times
What kind of toothpaste do you use?:: whatever tastes good
What kind of gum do you like?:: juicyfruit
Can you speak Pig Latin?:: yah
What color underwear do you have on?:: red
What is your cellphone ringtone?:: Brick House
What's your most used IM phrase?:: =)
Do you wear sunglasses at night?:: uh,....when i'm in alaska maybe
..::The Future::..
Are you going to college?:: been there, done it
Where?:: i went to UA in tuscaloosa
For a degree in what?:: fashion design
How long do you plan to be there?:: was there for 6 years..yup, it's not just for doctors anymore...hahaha
What do you want to do after college?:: what i do
What's your dream job?:: fashion designer
Do you want to get married someday?:: no
If so, when?:: ...
Expensive engagement ring?:: as long as there is meaning behind really shouldn't matter how much it costs, you stupid materialistic bitches!! lol
Describe your dream wedding:: ....
Describe your perfect honeymoon:: .....
Where do you want to live?:: ALL OVER!!
Do you want kids?:: i have one now
If so, how many?:: i like just the one
Boy(s) or girl(s)?:: my lil man
Any idea of their names?:: when i was in 5th grade, you mean?? Dakota (koty) Riley for a boy and Cleopatra (cleo) Marie!! hahaha,..but my real lil badass is Conner
Do you want to grow old?:: depends, old we talkin'?
Will you be a cool grandparent?:: i think i'm a pretty cool mom,...think i can hold onto it into my forties ...hahaha young mom, young grandma
What age do you expect to die?:: doesn't that seem like jinxing oneself??
How will you die?:: hopefully on a beach somewhere, high and getting laid
What kind of funeral do you want?:: one with strobe lights and club music
What do we do with your body?:: burn me,....spread my ashes in venice
Who will be in your will?:: mi familia
What would your tombstone say?:: in life, she was a tightrope walker....she sneezed
If you were a ghost, who would you haunt?:: hmmmm so many choices
Good ghost, or evil ghost?:: depends on who i decided to haunt
What would you want to reincarnate as?:: something that flies
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You've been totally Bzoink*d
I'd like to meet:
People who are happy with themselves.
Three Things
Three things that scare me:
1: heights
2: the idea of my son growing up without either parent
3: getting on stage
Three people who make me laugh:
1: Connerbug
2: Amanda
3: Daniel
Three Things I love:
1: my son
2: the rain
3: my guitar, Luna
Three Things I hate:
1: self-righteous people
2: horror movies
3: having nothing to do
Three things I don't understand:
1: Love
2: Marriage
3: Religion
Three things on my desk:
1: flowers
2: a bear wearing a thong
3: magazine clippings
Three things I'm doing right now:
1: working on a few songs, trying to get better at guitar
2: looking for a job
3: working on my portfolio
Three things I want to do before I die:
1: visit Venice, and certain parts of Asia, and Australia, and live in NY
2: make it to the top; be an actual, bona-fide fashion designer
3: record a full album, and make my Grandpa proud
Three things I can do:
1: anything artsy: paint/draw/design/sing/write/play guitar
2: appreciate people for who they are, regardless of how unusual
3: make myself happy
Three ways to describe my personality:
1: creative
2: laid back
3: free-spirit
Three things I can't do:
1: let go of something when I know I'm right
2: forgive assholes for being assholes
3: see myself getting married.... EVER
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In general, I like absolutely ANYTHING except rap and country (and no, I do not count Johnny Cash as country). As for specifics, Frank Sinatra is number one, followed by Gwen Stefani, Tori Amos, Alanis Morissette, P!nk, Madonna, Lisa Loeb, Estero, Chantal Kreviazuk, Etta James, Beth Hart, Regina Spektor, Patti Griffin, Missy Higgins, Leigh Nash, Martha Wainwright, Nikka Costa, Melissa Etheridge, Frou Frou, Ani DiFranco and all the rest of the girls who tell it like it is (I appreciate good solid lyrics any day!) I'm not a man hater, thus proven by my love of everything U2, Green Day, Linkin Park (esp. the album with Jay-Z), Coldplay, System of a Down, Seether, Vertical Horizon, Breaking Benjamin, Staind, Keane, Nickelback, The Killers, Third Eye Blind, Ryan Adams, Goo Goo Dolls, Gorillaz, Jeff Buckley, Aerosmith, OOOOH and Counting Crows!!, and .... you get the idea.
You Are Ani Difranco!
Honest, real, and well liked.
You're not limited by any boundaries.
"And you can call me crazy
But I think you're as lazy as white paint on the wall"
Who's Your Inner Rock Chick?
Your Theme Song is Born to Be Wild by Steppenwolf
"I like smoke and lightning
Heavy metal thunder
Racin' with the wind
And the feelin' that I'm under"
A total independent spirit, you can't be held down or fenced in.
You crave the feeling of wind on your face... and total freedom.
What's Your Theme Song?
I ADORE old movies (Singing in the Rain, Holiday Inn, Casablanca, etc). If I could have one channel and one channel only, it would be TCM. I just think old movies are just so cute! As far as favorite movies go... i LOVE Shawshank Redemption. I could just watch it over and over! It's the same with Life Is Beautiful (yes, subtitles), Dead Poet's Society, and Girl, Interrupted (DAMN, Angelina!!). Anything directed by Baz Luhrman too (LOVE him!). I dig a nice comedy too: Dodgeball, Old School, Zoolander, Ron Burgandy, 40-year old Virgin, etc. Bridget Jones is ALWAYS a pick-me-up. There are a few others here and there (Forrest Gump, Rudy, Pulp Fiction,...) but really i like anything that's not gory, terrifying, or just plain sick. =)
well, if i HAD cable,.... i am completely obsessed with Law and Order (moreso the original and Criminal Intent...not so much Special Victims). i like any show that involves collecting evidence, putting the pieces together, and solving a case: the Closer, CSI, X-Files, Without a Trace, etc. I've always liked the History Channel too (my dad's a big history buff...guess it rubbed off). A&E has some good stuff too. =)
"Prince of Tides"---best book i ever read!!, "Harry Potter"--yes all of them because i'm 13 haha, "Ordinary Men"--other best book i ever read (about soldiers under hitler and the changes they went through--going from ordinary men to vicious slaughterers) "Wild at Heart"--a genuinely fresh perspective on God and Man--very good read! (thanks, josh) =)
eh, i haven't seen that show yet... ;)