I loooooooooooooooooooove Austin most of all! =)
I like...
nature and outdoorsness
glow in the dark stuff
traveling...i must do more!
sunsets and sunrises
games games and more games!!!
I am easily amused...Oooh whats that!
silly string
My buddies fucking rock my world!!! I love you all!
teddy bears and real bears
the beach
I have the best dog in the world.
my kitties
My family is my world.
learning and discovering new things
the human mind
learning and discovering who i am...
food is good
Lily is prettier than you'll ever be
intreging souls
snakes and all kinds of reptiles
the internet in all its splendor
cows ducks and geeses!
star gazing
drum circles
all of the crazy adventures me and friends find ourselves doing...no tellin what, but itll always be fun.
fluffy pillows
money is the root of all evil...
I love helping people and giving all I got
I dont like makeup. Dont get me wrong, I like to dress up from time to time and then its cool. But most of the time I just like being me. I see no point in trying to cover up who you are. If you dont like the way I look, then don't look at me.
tyedying random stuff
I dont like judgmental people. Who are you to say?
ice cream and cake!!
My daddy is the best daddy ever.
snow..even tho ever never seen enough.
There is oh so much more but I'm sure ur eyes are hurting by now. hehe, just ask me.
Or just play this.
Anybody and Everybody!!!
Well... most everyone.
I'll give anyone a chance
Just know...I'm nice til you try to fuck me over or someone I love .
Oooooh Smeeeegallll!!!! my preciousssssss.
I'd also love to meet Gir!! =) I kinda already have... My dog's name is Gir, and I guess she'll have to do. She is as freakin ADHD as the real gir minus the zipper!
This is my kitty cat.. Crizzy (crazy kitty)! She was the most awesomest cat ever. She was unfortuantely brutally mualed August 2nd, 2005 by two pitbulls who lost their pathetic ass lives in Hurricane Katrina. Serves the mother fuckers right, their just lucky I didnt get ahold of them first. She was so amazing.. She thought she was a dog, I had to walk her on a leash to get to go potty she said fuck the litter box. She would even try to bark, but that because Gir raised her. God, I miss her. Love you Crizzy, I kno ur chillin up there with Jeremey so its all good. RIP CRIZZY!
That's my other cat Asreil and her 3 musketeers! Yes..they have blue eyes...amazing isnt it.
Shes what makes life worth living...
......Now for complete randomness!!!.....
Awesome, isnt it?
Ooooh... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10! Yay!
One Love...
I like. I like!
My dawgz man da shit dude!!
...Where does he go?
Dont ever give up...
Be happy and Hippie at the same time. Its not that hard! I promise. give it a chance.
A little box is not enough to explain and account for all of what music is and means to me.
I'll have to get back to you on that one.
I used to work at a movie theater...
need I say more?
What Dreams May Come
Patch Adams
Monty Python and the holy grail
Any and all of the Cheech n Chong movies
Rocky horror picture show
Family guy Movie
The Wall
Alice in Wonderland
Dazed and Confused
How High
Willy Wonka & Charlie in the Chocolate Factory
American Pyscho
Lord of the Rings (all 3)
Clockwork Orange
American Pyscho
XMen (all 3 again)
Again...I could go on for hours...but Ill just have to finish the rest later...
Television... drug of the nation... breeding ignorance and feeding radiation!!!!
Family guy
Robot Chicken
Fairly Odd Parents
SpongeBob Square Pants
Aqua teen hunger force
The Boondocks
Rocko's Modern Life
Dead like me
Daily show
Blue collar tv
Chapelle Show
Any muppetness...
again i could go on for years...more later
The Increasingly Unaccurate HitchHiker's Guide to the Galaxy Triology are the best books alive!!! You should check em all out. and yes they are alive...
Harry Potter rocks...
SYBIL is an amazing book as well.
You also have to give your props of John Grisham and Laura Ingalls Wilder
1. I'll always be your number 1 fan. My dad. My was the most amazing man I ever met. I wish I had gotten to know him better. He unfortantely passed away when I was 11 so I was never able to carry on an adult conversation with him. I will one day. He showed me so many amazing things in his time. A lot of them he showed me with out saying a word. He worked his whole life for us, so much that it caused all of the health problems that ended his life so young. He taught me to love, the value of hard work, and that if there's a will there is a way. Even with him passing on he kept teaching me things about life. Even though I would give up my own life just to see him again one more time, I would not be the person I am today if he had not gone on to a better place. He taught me that everything happens for a reason and even though loved ones may be gone they leave a part of themselves inside of you. I'll love forever and always daddy. I miss you beyond belief and hope I am making you proud. Rest in Paradise...you deserve it. 04/26/99
2. My mother is one of the most amazing women I have ever known. She has taught me more than I could explain over the years. Even though life has not been a bed of roses for her or us through the years, she has always kept our bellies full and a good strong heart. After my father died she bucked up and kept providing for us, keeping everyone together. And now even with her cancer, she is still here for us. I can't thank her enough for everything she has done. Afterall, if it wasn't for her I wouldn't even be here. And even though we don't always see eye to eye on things, I know I can always depend on my mother for an ear to listen and a nice warming hug. I love you mommy. Please take care of yourself because we love you.
3. My brother Rick is my second hero. I have always been called his mini-me, and I take that as very big compliment. He's 14 years older than me, but we get along better than any of my other siblings. He has always been there for me. When our dad died he completely uprooted his life in Georgia to come for us. He taught me everything I know...all the useful and useless knowledge ever needed. He was the one that took me to my first hard rock concert.. (GWAR and MISFITS at DragonCon 2000!!!!!) He taught me to believe in myself and go for my dreams. That is what I am striving to do. There really are no words right enough to describe it all, but he's just really amazing. After all he is my dad's son. I'll always respect and love you. I miss you and the kids and hope we see each other soon.
Here's my brother teaching me yet another thing...how to dance.
4. My jewstain!!! Oh lordy lord...I love my baby. He's beyond amazing. I never thought I would be lucky enough to find someone who could put up with me....much less someone who was everything i wanted needed and even things I didn't know I needed. He's everything to me. If it wasn't for him loving, supporting, coaching me through the past year I would not be as strong as I am today. He helps me keep that positive outlook on life. he's taught me how to work hard and play even harder. I never knew I could love someone so much or be loved this way. I have found the man of my dreams, my soulmate, my one and only forever. =) I am beyond blessed and thank god everyday that I get to wake up next to my amazing love. We have many more beautiful and exciting years ahead of us, and I can't wait! =) One day you'll see those pictures of lil jews and blues running around. =) I love you baby, forever and always. Thank you for finding me and being you, my jew.
5. My brother in law and friend Jeremy. RIP 9/27/05. He was just one of those all the way around good country boys that everyone loved. He never had a single enemey and I never heard a complaint out of him. I miss him so.. Jeremy, I know you are so proud of Lily. She is gorgeous and looks more like you everyday. I wish she could of gotten to know you, but you best believe I'll let her in on everything I know. We all love and miss you. I kno your up there on cloud 9 enjoying that heavenly chronic so rest in Paradise...
6. My grandfather. RIP GB. We miss you.
My grandfather is in the middle, my dad is to the right, and my uncle is to the left. Those are some pretty amazing men right there, lemme tell you. =)
7. My sister, Priscilla is the definition of caring, kind heartedness, compassion, and loyalty. You are an inspirations and I'm very proud of you for all that you have accomplished and contributed for the family and yourself. =) I'm glad your my older sister. Thanks for always being there. I love you.
8. Last but not least....All of my friends who have helped me become the person I am today. Especially you Mike, Jannah, TJ, Trip, Sarah, and Cassie. All of my friends are the best and you guys better never forget that. I love you all!!!