Lord krestwood/100MPH profile picture

Lord krestwood/100MPH

too weird to live, too rare to die

About Me

on the day I was born (starts like a blues song) I was really young and small....things complicate later. Learn violin at 4, making guitars at 14, playing electric guitar and riding English racers bike at 15, design and mechanic studies until 23, raising various rock "detroit inspired" bands and something I'll called "mid eastern punk blues" or "punk jazz" according from where winds blows, until today and still making guitars, bass, oud and sazz, AND NOISE!!!!

My Interests

Music (no!!! really???? you're kiding!) ecology AND technology,REALITY of the instant, Design, Knowledge, Anarchy (anarchy is self responsability in anyway you want), my two childs - riding motorcycle - sailling - Laughing at me (the silly clown behind my brain...) - hunting records (vynil records!)- Egly vincent, Atlas, Bonnie 68, DBD34GS... - meeting open minded, intelligent, imaginative, honnest, "hearth full of soul" people, being "two" again, FREEDOM, all kind of Arts... vines, love and good food (well ...I'm French...)

I'd like to meet:

myself...it will be time... it's a joke...albeit...Jimi Hendrix, Fred Smith, lucy, Einstein, leonardo da vinci, Sidharta mmmm...PJ Harvey...SFF.....mmm...I guess meeting myself would be easyer. and you at least, but drop a line before...


I've seen that lots of people here are really into music,... rock music I mean but there's so much more..., so I'll try to tell you some of those that make me "vibrate" with no particular order , just like surfin' a wave through my mind... the Deviants-Radio Birdman (evidence...)-Deniz Tek-Sonic rendez vous band-MC5-Stooges-New christ / New race-Pink fairies-the Greatfull dead/jerry Garcia(well the two first lp plus "live dead" for "that is for the one")-Motorhead-John Berberian-the Misunderstood-The Yardbirds-Sour Jazz-Serge Gainsbourg-The Who-Pretty things-Nancy Sinatra-Ascension-the pleasure seekers/Susy q.-the Art-lollypop shop-13th floor elevator-the Golden dawn-les Goths-Les Dogs-City kids-Bad brains(the french band!)-The legendary Tigerman-the Id-Vintage violence-B52-Holy curse-the Seeds-Lyres-100MPH-Music emporium-Dick dale-Music machine-the Action-the Scientist-Fever Tree-the velvet underground-22 Pistepirko-Nirvana-Crawling walls-le tigre-Asteroid B612-John mc laughlin-Zappa and Beefheart and Fowley-the Sparrow-Mars Bonfire- John Kay (forgotten songs for unsung heroes)-Jan&Dean-Noir Desir-Litter-It's all meat-the rationnal-the Up-DMZ/taxi boys/Real kids-Henry texier -Back in spades-the Easybeats-Jefferson airplane-Wayne county and the electric chair-Roy loney and the phantom movers-Richard Hell and the voidoid-the Dead boys and steve battors-Lords of the new church-the Ramones-Jungle a ferraille-the Hellacopters-the Damned-Brian James-Anouar Brahem-Jonas Hellborg-the Breeders-Nick Drake-Mike wilhem-the charlatans-the Flamin' Groovies-L7-the Pandoras-Backyard babies-Spirit-Pj Harvey-the Died pretty-Genia Ravan/Goldie and the ginger breads- the Monks-Savage resurection-Dead kennedys-Hoodoo gurus-Dictators-Dutronc-The Remains-Leaf Hound-Patti Smith-CCR-SRC-the Cramps-the Trashmen-Milan, the leather boys-Mowing sidewalk-Gun club/JLP-Larry Corriel/PhilippeCatherine-Boulou/Elios ferré-Thelonius monk-The victims (for one song: "tv addicts"!)-West coast pop art experimental band-HENDRIX!!!- John cipolina-early Blue Oyster cult-The DOORS-Love-Electrelanes-Hound dog taylor-the Nitwitz- the lime spider-Muddy waters-the Muffs-Lightning hopkins-Canned heat-the solution-Django Reinhart-Stephan grapelli-the Fleshtones-Red Crayolla-Eden children-Morgen-whites stripes-Neil young-Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan-Thee Michelle gun elephant - Tito and tarantula-? and the mysterian-the sonics-the haunted-the saints-the nomads-shadows of night-the Muffs-Madrugada-Turbonegro-M-16's-Otis Taylor-the Ladyboys and a celtic band I've just heard about : Woodkerne! they are really good ...and I'll continue tomorrow ...or one of these days !


Easy rider, Blow up, French "nouvelle vague", Audiard, C'est arrivé près de chez vous... les Aventuriers, Candy mountain (inspired by the late semi moseley?) High fidelity, the Big Lebovsky, Tarantino movies , true romance, reservoir dogs and so on... all Monthy python and individual monty movies, brasil and so on, De Niro, Ventura, and ... some more another day/or night.


barely watch TV....no times too loose...mmm....Arte, thalassa... that's all!


Everything by Herman Hess, Jules Vernes, Bradbury, K Dick, Thomas mann, Gurdjieff(become what you are), Gerard de nerval, Voltaire, Aldous Huxley, Khalil Gibran, Van Vogt, Norman Spinrad, Stirner, Proudhon, Bakounine, Onfray, Gabriel garcia marquez Simack, Jung, Burrough, Roger Vigouroux, Paulo Cohelo, Hunter Thompson, Howard zinn, James Ellroy, Franz Kafka...just like "music"...too many to name!


what's heroes? who need heroes? but apart my mother, my father and my childs, there's people I really like, let's call them "heroes"...Voltaire, Eric Tabarly, Louis Bouiller, Raoul Duke...rip and mmm...yeah... Bruno Kea is a great guy! and PJ Harvey too! ( a hero , not a "great guy"!!!)

My Blog


Maudites élections! Jetons l'anathème sur ces parasites de l'humanité que sont les hommes, et femmes, politiques et leurs cohortes de gestionnaires de tout poils! ces gens ne produisent rien d'autre ...
Posted by 100MPH/Lord krestwood on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 09:10:00 PST

Lundi ... rien!

"Lundi, rien..." je deteste les lundis... non que ce soit une journée particulière, simplement parce qu'on l'a nommée ainsi, c'est juste le jour ou l'on reprend conscience après deux jours de vrai vie...
Posted by 100MPH/Lord krestwood on Tue, 24 Apr 2007 08:47:00 PST

so you trust in something?.....

just some words I send to a dubitating christian...      hello, I'm atheist... I firmly believe by scientific knowledge and from the deepest of my cells that there is a...
Posted by 100MPH/Lord krestwood on Sun, 26 Nov 2006 03:31:00 PST

le sourire..../... the smile

nous disions donc le sourire... d'ici maintenant et à l'heure qu'il est, je ne sais pas combien de mots me seront néccessaires pour vous dévoiler mon approche et ma considération de ce rictus facial c...
Posted by 100MPH/Lord krestwood on Thu, 05 Oct 2006 12:58:00 PST

Hunter! Let's roll!!!

There's a long time now I first read HST books (and LOTS of other writers) and everyday I'm sad he died, whatever could have been the causes of his death but...I have read a lot of "blogs" and publish...
Posted by 100MPH/Lord krestwood on Mon, 04 Sep 2006 02:25:00 PST

food for thought

  "There ought to be limits to freedom." -- G.W. Bush"The process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing ev...
Posted by 100MPH/Lord krestwood on Thu, 24 Aug 2006 03:11:00 PST

American Idiots?

  I receive from time to time this kind of messages : ? Body: Hey guess what??!?!?! Your a DUMBFUCK!!! But, It's ok... guess you got a reason to be- your french pffffff you sorry sack of shi...
Posted by 100MPH/Lord krestwood on Mon, 31 Jul 2006 10:59:00 PST

a new one

I've just finished this ... guitar...started her 5 years ago then left her aside, it's not an order but one for me, so I wasn't hurry... but actually I measure the  time  it takes and h...
Posted by 100MPH/Lord krestwood on Mon, 27 Mar 2006 11:42:00 PST

Friend request...

friend request... simply two words, "friend" and "request".  Friend : mean a lot for me, so if your not an actual friend you must have a good reason to be my friend and it doesn't mean I want to ...
Posted by 100MPH/Lord krestwood on Sun, 26 Mar 2006 12:14:00 PST

private message for about everybody

Hello everybody... and specially you, young girl from russia and generally eastern europe and you people from africa... I have one or two things to tell you. to the pretty young girl from the ea...
Posted by 100MPH/Lord krestwood on Sun, 19 Feb 2006 06:37:00 PST