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I am Government Man, come from the government.

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I love my life!
(I like to blow bubbles)
What else do you wanna know? heehee ^..^
Don't hate me for taking so long to resond... :P
♥ TaCo tAcO TaCo tAcO TaCo tAcO ♥ ♥ DoOm dOoM DoOm dOoM DoOm dOoM ♥..Untitled

Bright blue sorrow finds me
and I embrace it readily for it's
Your face is there as it has been for
a long time, but I have forgotten
the sound of your voice.
When we wrapped each other in
Warmth and spent lust, you asked
me to come closer, so i softly crept
to you, not knowing if you were
asleep when you said it.
Not caring.
Alise PhillipsErotika
Lying in the dark
How deep is your kiss
Your touch is divine
In sweet, candied bliss
Rapture and red wine
Fall into your touch
Your hot, fevered breath
God, I feel too much
Is this heaven or death?
The softness of your skin
Taste of sweat on my lips
Your devilish grin
As you grab onto my hips
Oh, something so hypnotic
In your eyes, gold and green
Something so exotic
Nowhere else have I seen
The beauty you posess
Almost too much to behold
And is this love in excess
Pray it never grows old
Copyright 2005 Chaotika

My Interests

I Like music that is good, people who are nice, love, potato guns, things of an artistic nature, people who posess a sense of humor, painting, drawing, bunny rabbits, writing crap and then reading it aloud to people so as to irritate them, and also tacos.

I Hate rap, boy bands, courtney love, shallow people, selfishness, stupidity, people who make assumptions about who I am without actually knowing me, old people, bad teeth, soap operas, etc.

I love Christina! She is my best friend, and is always there for me. We don't hang out enough :P

Mike is my husband, and I love him very much. He's sweet, artistic, talented in most everything, just kinky enough, and he has good taste in music He is able to make me happy when I'm sad, and he has been my muse for a long time...
I mean, I have so many paintings and poems related to him in some way that it's just silly We've been through alot of bad stuff and drama in the past few years, and alot of good stuff, too, so it balances out and I think it makes us stronger to have suffered and succeeded together.
He is my world, my everything. I want to grow old with him, explore the world with him, any and everything possible!
♥I love you sooooooo much, baby!♥

~Me Spiritual Interests~

I love Egyptian mythology, art, and religion. I also like magick, but not the fluffy wicca kind.. sorry. Bastet is my primary goddess, of course, and after years of studying all kinds of belief systems i finally came across the perfect one- one I made up by myself, through integrating aspects of other religions I liked. To me, religion is a means of comforting oneself, and of explaining the unexplainable.. but no one's version really sated me except for the Egyptians, yet it would be absolutely impossible to practice that all by myself, especially considering the religion has been dead for 2000 years and we still know very little about it :( My version consists of Egyptian, Buddhist, and Wiccan traditions, mish-mashed together, and they compliment eachother nicely ^_^
Bast is the Egyptian Goddess and protector of cats, women and children. She is Goddess of the sunrise, love, fertility, birth, music and dance. Bast is the Goddess of the moon and possessor of the Utchat. The all seeing eye of her brother Horus. Her scared city, Bubastis, was in lower Egypt (the northern part). Bubastis signifies "The House of Cats" in ancient Egyptian. Bast feast day is celebrated on October 31. The Egyptians celebrated the feast of Bast with merry making, music, dancing, drinking much like our modern Marti Gras. Bast is often shown holding a sistrum (a type of rattle), during the celebrating, worshipers shuck a sistrum. Bast has a twin sister named Sekhmet. Together the twin sisters formed the "Yin Yang" of Egyptian religion. Bastet being the positive force and Sekhmet being the destructive force. Bast is depicted in art many ways, the most common is the body of young woman with the head of a domestic cat. (Her sister, Sekhmet is shown with the head of a lioness). Another popular form of Bast, is her earthly form, a seated cat, when in this form her name changes to Bastet.

"When the people are on their way to Bubastis, they go by river, a great number in every boat, men and women together. Some of the women make a noise with rattles, others play flutes all the way, while the rest of the women, and the men, sing and clap their hands. As they travel by river to Bubastis, whenever they come near any other town they bring their boat near the bank; then some of the women do as I have said, while some shout mockery of the women of the town; others dance, and others stand up and lift their skirts. They do this whenever they come alongside any riverside town. But when they have reached Bubastis, they make a festival with great sacrifices, and more wine is drunk at this feast than in the whole year besides. It is customary for men and women (but not children) to assemble there to the number of seven hundred thousand, as the people of the place say."
-- Herodotus, Histories Book II Chap 60

There was a temple to Sekhmet at Kom el-Hisn in the western Delta. In this legend the sun-god Re fears that mankind plots against him. The gods urge him to call down retribution on men by sending his avenging Eye down to Egypt as Sekhmet. As the goddess slays men, leaving them in pools of blood in the deserts where they fled, she transforms into the 'powerful'. During the night the god Re, trying to avert a total massacre of the human race by the goddess who clearly has become unstoppable in her bloodlust, orders his high priest at Heliopolis to obtain red ochre from Elephantine and grind it with beer mash. Seven thousand jars of red beer are spread over the land of Egypt. In the morning Sekhmet returns to finish her task of destroying the human race, drinks what she assumes is blood and goes away intoxicated, unable to complete her slaughter. She is the twin sister of the cat goddess Bast, and they represent a duality of good and evil, yet Sekhmet herself is portrayed as having both good and evil sides. Her qualities as Healer, Mother and Protector are often overlooked. In the realm of Ancient Egyptian Medicine, almost all healers and surgeons of Ancient Kemet would most certainly have fallen under Sekhmet's jurisdiction. Sekhmet is the wrathful form - polar opposite - of Bastet - goddess of joy, music, dance, sexual love, pregnancy and birth. With leonine head, female human body and the strength of her father, she is the noontime sun - intense blinding heat.

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet people who aren't judgemental, shallow, manipulative or selfish. God, I hate those kinds of people!

We're sick of Sean's bullshit. And I'm happy to slap a blueblood sticker over that SG shyte ;) Post this on your page... pass it on
You're Devi! Bad people happen to you more than is
normal. You must live a cursed life.

What Johnny the Homicidal Maniac character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Beautiful fan art by Jack Action :)

Leave a fucking comment, bitch!( View all comments )


prettys... but now trent is waaay too huge :P
apoptgyma berzerk
depeche mode
e nomine
Spanking Machine
funker vogt
gravity kills
l'ame immortelle
project pitchfork
Stabbing westward
tactical sekt
theatre of tragedy
the cure
the faint
the smiths
tristesse de la lune
VNV Nation
Joy Division
New Order
Skinny Puppy
Bright Eyes
The Smiths
White Stripes
Siouxsie and the Banshees
Oingo Boingo
Dresden Dolls
A Perfect Circle
cockteau twins
front 242
die form
Gravity Kills
Love Spirals Downwards
New Order
Switchblade Symphony
Cradle of Filth
Tori Amos
Fiona Apple
and of course, the man whose songs inspire the whole world.. William Shatner... I'll add more later ;)

.. width="425" height="350" ..
(pause my musics before playing...)
Cradle of Filth - Desire In Violent Overture

Music Code provided by Song2Play.Com


Dancer in the dark, American beauty, Donnie Darko, and most anything else that causes fits of crying/self contemplation.


Fucking TV _ Anime, nature shows, documentaries, cartoons... Humans are a cancer of the Earth... (Blue Gender)


Kafka, Poe, Shakespeare, Poppy Z. Brite, etc, etc. I like horror, introspective, and dark fiction. Comics, especially


I am my hero.

My husband- Not only for saving me from being homeless in 2001, or saving me from a morbidly obese woman who's wanted to literally kill me for the past 4 years, or any other life/death heroics he's performed for me, but also for how her constantly restores my faith in humanity through his kindness, honesty, compassion, empathy and the endless patience and love he shows me every day. I
can only wish that I were so valiant as he is.

Lesser heroes:

Lenore and friends

Marilyn Monroe

Betty Page





Rain is so smart!

My Blog

From Mike

From Mike to Cyndi - I wish I could say "Happy birthday" to you right now. I suppose I can, I guess I wish I could see the smile on your face right now. I miss you more than words can convey. I miss s...
Posted by Chaotika" on Fri, 22 Jun 2007 04:03:00 PST


Everybody loves monkeys... I mean, c'mon...Look at that!!! I am in a very happy mood, regardless of how life is going right now, because today was my one year anniversary of being married to the most ...
Posted by Chaotika" on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 05:30:00 PST

Fucking Corroded Enamel, Dentin, Cementum, and Pulp

God damn it, I want to tear it out.. It hurts horribly- this fucking wisdom tooth... Never in my life have I had a cavity.. I get my wisdom teeth and within a year of getting them, one already had a c...
Posted by Chaotika" on Fri, 22 Sep 2006 04:20:00 PST

Steve Irwin

This is the first time I've been brought to tears over a celebrity's death since Kurt Cobain died when I was 11- and that was the only other time. He was a wonderful person, who really did give a damn...
Posted by Chaotika" on Wed, 06 Sep 2006 05:27:00 PST


Fer-al adj. wild, or existing in a state of nature, as freely occurring animals or plants; having reverted to the wild state from domestication. We exist in a landscape of absence wherein real life i...
Posted by Chaotika" on Mon, 21 Aug 2006 12:35:00 PST

We've got about 6 years left, by my watch...

So, the Mayan Calendar ends on 12-12-2012 at 11:00 international time.. I wonder what will happen.. The Amazon is about to hit a dangerous tipping point, an enormous amount of...
Posted by Chaotika" on Sat, 19 Aug 2006 11:00:00 PST

Something is wrong with Guinness

My rat escaped today. After a frantic search, I finally found Guinness on the bathroom floor. He seemed ok at the time, and I carried him upstairs to sit in my lap as I checked my e-mails. He wasn't a...
Posted by Chaotika" on Sat, 08 Apr 2006 07:58:00 PST

Someone AWESOME sent me this

Place an X by all the things you've done, or remove the X from the ones you have not, and send it to all of your friends (including me).  (X) Smoked a cigarette (X) Drank so much you threw up&nb...
Posted by Chaotika" on Mon, 03 Apr 2006 11:26:00 PST


Aliens are Fucking Cool.  ...
Posted by Chaotika" on Wed, 29 Mar 2006 08:14:00 PST


Is EVERY-FUCKING-BODY on this thing? I'm just sitting here, bored, thinking of the names of random people I haven't thought about in years and searching them... and guess what? they all have myspace a...
Posted by Chaotika" on Sat, 25 Mar 2006 10:10:00 PST