Guns, brutally spicy food, explosives, zombies, horror stuff, bandwidth, action figures, loud music, and lots and lots of booze; spookiness in all forms, and uber geeks; old cars that blow flames, yoga, belly dancing, whiskey, morphine lollypops, and pirates...Egyptian mysticism, chaos theory, tribal fusion bellydance. I'm at UNLV for a degree in philosophy and then onto law skool for entertainment law (sounds good in theory). So there.
Cthulhu. Viva La Double Down!
Yes please.
Television will eat your fucking soul. History Channel, Discovery Channel.
reading Gravity's Rainbow (ack!), Hunter S. Thompson, Robert Anton Wilson, Grant Morrison, Chuck Palahniuk, William Gibson, Nietzsche, Lovecraft, Philip K. Dick, Alan Moore, Warren Ellis, the old skool shit (Plato, Aristotle, etc.) William S. Borroughs, Disinformation Press, James Joyce, Tibor Fischer, Neil Gaiman, Sartre, Clive Barker, lots and lots more.
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