Art, Animals, Music, Scrabble
Creative, Funny, and engaging people that are unafraid to be themselves. I am a big fan of adventurers and those that burn with drive.
Music is a huge part of my life, and many know it. That's why they send me CDs and that's why I accept them! I also play music, A Moog and a Stratocaster.
I liked in how the 70s that they made movies that had a lot of edge to them, movies that took risks and were memorable. I am also severly addicted to Television Movies, especially if they are about historical events. I like to see how history is presented through the filter of the B-Movie.
I enjoy shows that are absurdly funny and informative. I also watch Star Trek, as you may be able to tell by the glasses.
I read roughly 4 books a week. Not Bragging, but I just like to read everything I can get my hands on.
My son, Camden, and my astounding wife, Emily.