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Happy Betty


About Me

Rock & Roll Woman Lyrics

There's a woman that you ought to know
And she's coming, singing soft and low
Singing rock and roll, she's a joy to know
'Neath the shadow of a soothing hand
I am free there, just to make my plans
Dream of faraway lands, anything close at hand
And she will follow me wide, do you know
Familiar places she's been by, that I know
Could it be, she don't have to try
And tomorrow, she's a friend of mine
And the sorrow, I see her face is lined
She's no longer blind, she's just hard to find

Max Cosmico & i suoi Alieni al Garag

FIRST: PROUDLY I AM A MOD ( though a non-conventional one...)but i'm glad to have a hard rock soul,too, which need to be fed every day!! It may sound strange but i'm shy. Reserved person off stage, i'm an outbreak of energy on it. For all i know, i'm a faithful friend and a genuine partner. I hate hypocrites and cowards,i like a man who makes himself respected; i love strong but romantic personalities. I'm a free spirit and i hardly bear to be held in a leash;in spite of this, once you enjoy my confidence,like an untamed horse longing for an owner,you can count on me even if it kills me!

My Interests

"Io credo che sia fantastico essere capaci di scrivere le proprie idee in forma musicale, ma credo anche che nella batteria il feeling sia molto più importante della mera tecnica, è fantastico suonare un triplo paradiddle… ma chi si accorge veramente che lo stai facendo? Se fai troppa attenzione alla tecnica, finisce che inizierai a suonare come ogni altro batterista. Credo che quello che conti veramente sia essere originale. Quando ascolto altri batteristi, mi piace poter dire "Wow… carina questa cosa, non l'avevo mai sentita prima!". Credo che essere te stesso come batterista sia molto più importante che suonare come chiunque altro".John Henry Bonham- Led Zeppelin's drummer

Playing my '68 semiacoustic bass!! At the moment i'm performing with MAX COSMICO & I SUOI ALIENI (psychedelic folk rock original songs + a couple of cover). I'm the background vocals of a soul band, too, named Pio Istituto de Sade.I like Italian red wine, Franziskaner beer,collecting sixties fornitures, fashion and music magazines, sixties crazy parties,music festivals, my job,interesting people who have something to teach me and some good memory to leave into my soul and...let me see..what else?!Well, as for the rest, YOU have to meet me first hand!

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who likes music, great if you are a musician as I am.


"Do not fear to be eccentric in opinions; for every opinion now accepted was once eccentric"- Bertrand Russel

LA CALUNNIA E' L'AUTOBUS DEI FALLITI.E' sempre un segno di debolezza, non di forza. Si calunnia per rispondere ad una minaccia, reale ma più spesso presunta, contro la quale non si hanno altri mezzi da usare.

.....i've found my own Jim....

FREE lyrics


Too deep to explain..I joined the Mod scene for over 15 years and I became an open minded Mod girl...(well, up to a point!).I like best music between '65 and '76, from freakbeat through northern soul, pop-sike ( MOVE, AMEN CORNER, MINDBENDERS ),acid/hard rock ( GRAND FUNK, BLUE CHEER,HUMBLE PIE, MOUNTAIN, STEPPENWOLF ) and glam rock ( RAINBOW, T-REX,SILVER HEAD ), Mersey beat ( HOLLIES !) and some Garage ( PAUL REVER AND THE RAIDERS, NAZZ ).Special mention: THREE DOG NIGHT! As regards mod sound: how can i forget my beloved SMALL FACES and SMOKE ?! But I have a folk attitude not to be forgotten: than PENTANGLE,BUFFALO SPRINGFIELD, NEIL YOUNG,CROSBY/STILLS/NASH,HOT TUNA . Crazy for prog-rock of YES, NICE, IRISH COFFEE,FUZZY DUCK . Deep in love with British Rock Blues such as FREE and CREAM , my faves, and of course BLIND FAITH,TEN YEARS AFTER . But, folks, hold tight: i was a gospel singer, so welcome to all spiritual and gospel tunes. Is this enough?!


CHINESE/JAPANESE PRODUCTIONS, old and new (Raise the red lanterne/Lanterne rosse, I sette samurai, Ring, Farewell my concubine/Addio mia concubina and much more). FRENCH MOVIES. SOME SCIENCE FICTIONS (Blade runner, Dune, Star Wars I, Fahreneit 451,the Fifth element). Eyes wide shut! Pulp fiction! Brasil!A beautiful mind! Obviously, all sixties films but mostly non-conventional late sixties and early seventies productions (Nero su Bianco, Zabriskie Point, I love you Alice/ Lasciami baciare la farfalla)


Nip and tuck, CSI Miami, Cold Case, Ghost Wisperer,Spazio 1999, Star Trek,i Sopravvissuti.


Lord of the Psychon- Daniel Galouye (1963), Demolished man- Alfred Bester (1963). All about Urania and SF books, mostly between '50 and '70. Robert Sheckley, Frederick Pohl, Paul Anderson, Robert Heinlein, Ray Bradbury, Philip K. Dick.I am VERY DEEP into Oscar Wilde ("Men always want to be a woman's first love - women like to be a man's last romance") and classics of British literature; but i love as well Philo Vance and a bit less Sherlock Holmes. Deeply in love with comics too: i started at the age of 8 with Quino (mafalda), Goscinny/Uderzo (asterix) and Peanuts. At the age of 12 i discovered Marvel Comics (Silver Surfer and Dare Devil), Hugo Pratt (corto maltese) but mostly the fantastic Tamburini/Liberatore (Ranx Xerox!! the best one) and Andrea Pazienza (Zanardi, one of the three reasons why i live in Bologna). Special mention for my beloved Juan Gimenez and for Moebius. and for TOTEM! PERCHE' TANTO ODIO??


Mr. Steven Stills..

Silver Surfer of course!!

and Steve Marriot (voice), Chris Squire (bass), Carmine Appice (drums), Tommy Bolin (guitar) Keith Emerson (organ).

My Blog

Le confessioni di Berlusconi...

LA CONFESSIONE DI SILVIO BERLUSCONI (DA LEGGERE ATTENTAMENTE!!)Berlusconi: "Signor parroco, mi vorrei confessareParroco: "Certo figliolo, qual'è il tuo nome?"Berlusconi: "Silvio Berlusconi, padre."Par...
Posted by Happy Betty on Wed, 21 May 2008 03:03:00 PST

Gallagher, Marriot, Derringer and Trower: their lives and music

By Dan Muise. Edition: Paperback (Recensito anche da Jazz&Blues Report, marzo 2003) Traduco (liberamente&) alcuni stralci tratti dal libro; qui in particolare quello che riguarda Steve Marriott ...
Posted by Happy Betty on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 08:10:00 PST

VIP- mio fratello superuomo (1968)

  Basso, così / fesso, così / il giorno che è nato per poco non l'hanno buttato / ma poi con l'andare degli anni non è migliorato / il &miniVip / tre volte al giorno cadeva dal suo carrozzino / ...
Posted by Happy Betty on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 07:57:00 PST

Just a woman-come nasce una song dannata

Era una canzone molto bella, quella scritta da Max, con un testo come sempre socialmente iperimpegnato ed il cui titolo denunciava "Sono caduto dallo scalone". L'ho scoperta per caso, guardando il vid...
Posted by Happy Betty on Thu, 13 Dec 2007 09:08:00 PST

Buffalo Srpingfield- i pionieri di unera

E' il 1965. Comincia la British Invasion , ovvero il dilagare in America di quei complessi inglesi che ripropongono essenzialmente le melodie dei vocal-group degli anni 40 e 50, dando vita ad una sort...
Posted by Happy Betty on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 08:02:00 PST

Fragile 1971- Yes

Si possono dire molte brutte cose del progressive rock ed in molti lo hanno anche fatto, ad esempio che è un genere in cui si dà troppa enfasi ai virtuosismi musicali piuttosto che alle espressioni de...
Posted by Happy Betty on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 07:57:00 PST