Ladies & Gentlemen, live via satellite, from the Ryman Auditorium in Nashville Tennessee, home of the Grand Old Opry, would you please welcome, from Manchester England:
With these words echoing from every television set in the heartland of blue collar America, the solo career of Dave Sharp, co-founder and lead guitarist of British rock band, THE ALARM, was launched in the United States in 1991.
Fifteen minutes later, centre stage at the Ryman Auditorium, a shadowy, lone figure, Dave Sharp-Brit rock guitar player turned troubadour had found his way into the hearts and minds of an American core country audience with the song Hard Travellin, no mean feat for a boy from Salford.
It had all begun in 1989, a year, which had seen the US release of the Alarms 5th coast-to-coast hit album- Change and Number 1 AOR single Sold Me Down The River.The Alarm toured with Bob Dylan, sold out arenas and theatres indoors and out.
Played the talk shows, rose through the ranks with MTV. They in fact achieved what most British bands only ever dream of the much sought-after status of a British Rock Band that entered the stream of American popular conscience.
Later that year lead singer Mike Peters made the surprise announcement that he would take a two-year sabbatical from The Alarm, a decision which would lead to his eventual departure from the band in 1991.
Sharp had cut his musical teeth in Manchester, England at the tail end of the Woodstock era on a diet of Guthrie, Dylan & Neil Young, spiced with Zeppelin, Free, and The Who.
The prospect of an enforced sabbatical from his band mates of 10 years proved to be the ideal opportunity for Dave to step into the spotlight.
In December 1990, having enlisted the help of legendary maverick record producer Bob Johnston (Dylan, Willie Nelson, Leonard Cohen), Dave walked through the doors of the Hit Factory NYC and in under a week his first solo album Hard Travellin had been recorded and delivered for release.
The following year saw Dave return to New York City. He performed for an audience of 25,000 in Central Park at Woody Guthrie's 80th Anniversary where he shared the spotlight with the Right Reverend Jessie Jackson, Arlo Guthrie and Pete Seeger under the watchful and approving eyes of Guthrie's sister Nora and long time Guthrie manager & friend, Harold Leventhal.
Dave Sharp's solo albums have received critical acclaim both in the United States and here in the UK. He performs continuously on both sides of the Atlantic.
Over the years Sharp has worked alongside most of the artists he has long respected and admired.
Willie Nelson and Johnny Cash have appeared on his recordings. He has performed alongside Kris Kristofferson, Bill Munroe and Porter Wagoner. A regular performer on Decatur Street, New Orleans, whether solo or with a band,guitar in hand Sharp delivers the Spirit of Rock & Roll.
Sharp's music has been described as everything from folk and blues to rock, country and punk. His performances, from legendary to lousy. One word cannot be used when trying to describe Dave Sharp, "Predictable". He has embraced mainstream pop culture whilst at the same time remaining one step away from its grasp. He likes it that way!
Its a Mighty Hard Road to be Travellin Down. Sharp knows it, writes it and sings it.In 2007 he is now back in the UK, living, breathing & working on a long-awaited follow up to his last album, The Power of Soul.
Please also visit us at: www. Dave Sharp .org
..To Purchase Dave's music: SOLD OUT!
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