Para ser sincero, todo es interesante para mÃ. Algunas cosas más que otras, por supuesto, pero en general, la curiosidad me mantiene despierto y en funcionamiento.
Solo hay una cosa en la que no estoy interesado y es la GENTE ESTÚPIDA y todas las COSAS ESTÚPIDAS que pueden llegar a hacer.
Aparte de eso, me encanta cualquier tema de conversación aunque prefiero hablar cara a cara en vez de usar la red, Myspace, AIM o MSN.
Internet es una herramienta. No es la unica forma de vida ni de comunicación.
Sal a la calle de vez en cuando…
To tell you the truth, everything is interesting to me. Some things more than others, of course but in general, curiosity keeps me going and awake.
There's only one thing that I'm not interested in which is STUPID PEOPLE and all the STUPID THINGS they can do.
Other than that, I love any kind of subject to have a nice convo even though I prefer talking face to face rather than over the net, Myspace, AIM or MSN.
Internet is a tool. It is not the only way of life an neither of communication.
Get out very now and again…
Hay mucha gente a la que me gustarÃa conocer y mi vida me los irá presentando en el futuro...o no... pero de todas las personas con las que querrÃa estar ahora mismo sin duda es con mi madre para que pudiera conocer a su nieta Aisha Naima. SerÃa algo precioso para mÃ...
There's a lot of people I would love to meet and my life will introduce me to them in the future...or maybe not... but out of all the people I would love to be with right now, without a doubt, that would be my mum for her to meet her grandchild Aisha Naima. That would be precious for me...
Un besito mio y otro de Aisha Naima para tÃ, mamá...
I like GOOD MUSIC, period...specially Jazz, Funk, Hip-hop(the real Hip-hop that keeps the street knowledge and that doesn't suck ****. Definetely not the bullshit we see today on TV. Let's get back to the 90's to think.), Reggae, R&B (the real R&B and not the fucked up pre-teen they sell now on TV. I can't deal with kids singing grown ass material...sorry!), Electrónica, World...ALL!!!
SAY WHAT!!?!!?!!??
No hay heroes, sino gente que hizo lo que creia correcto y se les dio credito por ello. Hay muchos heroes de los que nadie sabe nada. Dudo mucho que quieran que se les conozca ya que hacen lo que hacen de todo corazon, no por el reconocimiento, ignorando incluso el impacto de sus actos.
Todos podriamos ser heroes si de verdad entendieramos lo que el mundo deberia de ser, quiero decir, respeto, entendimiento, amor, equilibrio, naturaleza…
There are no heroes, just people that did the right thing and got credit for it. There are a lot of heroes that nobody knows about. I doubt that they want to be known anyway because they do what they do from the heart, not for the recognition, probably ignoring the impact of their actions.
We could all be heroes if we truly understood what this world should be about, I mean, respect, understanding, love, balance, nature...