Member Since: 2/13/2006
Influences: Ante todo mis amigos, mi familia y todo lo que me ha pasado.
Sellos como: Planet Mu, Warp, Rephlex, Merck, Shaped Harmonics, AI Records, Ghostly International, Neo Ouija, Sutemos, Toytronic, Nature, Daly City Records, Sutemos y + ....
Artistas: Sideral, AFX, µ-Ziq, Autechre, Agoria, Apoptygma Berzerk, Arovane, Architecture In Helsinky, Phonem, Acidwolf, The Flashbulb, Andre Estermann, The Arcade Fire, Astrobotnia, B12, Boards of Canada, Cex, Coldplay, Jackson & his computer band, Maga, Mark One, Mochipet, Nine Inch Nails, Secede, Stereo Modus, Ulrich Schnauss, Virus Syndicate, Beasty Boys, Beefcake, Bochum Welt, Bola, Catchers, Chris Clarck, Cim, CJ Bolland, Cloinc, Cocteau Twins, Datach'i, David Bowie, Depeche Mode, Einsturzende Neubauten, Funkstörung, Global Communication, Green Velvet, Jega, Joseph Nothing, Juan Atkins, Kraftwerk, Machinedrum, Marco Passarani, Mike Dred, Mira Calix, Model 500, Mogwai, Multiplex, My Bloody Valentine, Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds, Orbital, Plaid, Psilodump, Sonic Youth, Squarepusher, The Beach Boys, The Cure, The Spinto Band, The Pixies, The Smiths, Violent Femmes, Tom Waits, The Residents, Wolfsheim, Venetian Snares, Doormouse, Kid 606, Daedelus, Lexanculpt y + ....
Sounds Like: mejor escucha...
Record Label: pendrive
inout records
gen music
Type of Label: Indie