NIKKA profile picture


Digital Entropy***

About Me

***Nikka plays with sensations and with the interaction of the machines in their most pure state, creating each track while walks, skiping the sequences or anything that may intercede in the natural process of musical creation. It’s prety evident that she feels safe among machinery: she can express herself without the use of any subterfuge; she can whether build and destroy rhythms; or better she can create soundscapes that allow us to travel and suggest something at the same time.******************************************************* *****
***A strength supported by smashing atmospheres that makes it an inalienable project, filled up with twisted sounds and afflicted compositions that deliver a raw and melancholic message.
But her tracks do not have at all the specific touch that might us think in unaddressed deserts of pristine futures; in an unknown but safe goal; in a clear idea made up of nightmares.********************
***In short, a musical work in which the artist gets melt with machinery to explore deeper in her own human being. A display of sensations that will touch everyone who listen to it. A stroll along the shades of multiple gazes. Nikka definitely leaves her own mark.******************************
***“Isotopos” has been smartly produced by the Barcelona-based musician Morbia. The French band Ab Ovo has also collaborated in a remix with their savoir faire and technique.
Metalbox CD - LTCH003
9,50 €

My Interests


Member Since: 9/11/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: : : : :
Femelek 2008:
Alba.G.Corral (Sensaciones Visuales)
Nikka (Sensaciones Auditivas)

femelek 2008 (II) from albagcorral on Vimeo .

femelek 2008 (II) from albagcorral on Vimeo .
************************************************************ *
Random Preset (Sensaciones Visuales)
Nikka (Sensaciones Auditivas)

Untitled from random preset on Vimeo .
Sounds Like:Visuals@caixaforum by N404, august 2007. Uranio track. N404
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Aprende a pinchar: Curso dirigido por NIkka Lovethechaos

Convalidable per 1,5 crèdits ....Professora: Mónica Muñoz, DJ Nikka....Dates: del 13 de novembre 2008 al 15 de gener de 2009....Horari: dijous, sessions de 16:30h a 19:30h.....Preu: comunitat UAB 150¬...
Posted by NIKKA on Sun, 19 Oct 2008 10:19:00 PST

NIkka@LABconciertos (Gijón)

LABconciertos (octubre-noviembre-diciembre) Introducción El singular concepto del museo, su propia morfología física y el lugar geográfico en el que se encuentra ubicad...
Posted by NIKKA on Fri, 10 Oct 2008 03:54:00 PST

NIkka & AlbaGCorral+Leit+LogicalDisorder @inside22@

Poblenou, Barcelona6, 7 i 8 de novembre de 2008
Posted by NIKKA on Sun, 14 Sep 2008 02:25:00 PST

NIKKA for "Berlin: Die sinfonie der Grobstadt"

CINEMA & LIVE MUSIC :: FESTIVAL LEM 2008DIUMENGE 12 Octubre _ 20:00 h NIKKA for 'BERLIN: DIE SINFONIE DER GROBSTADT'NIKKA és una de les compositores electròniques més interesantes de l'actual ...
Posted by NIKKA on Thu, 21 Aug 2008 04:05:00 PST


Posted by NIKKA on Mon, 07 Jul 2008 12:52:00 PST

NIKKA [dj]@DOMINGOS NIU (18 Maig _ de 18:00 a 22:00 h)

DOMINGOS NIU by Emilii Records _ slow & fun high quality music sessionsDIUMENGE 18 Maig _ de 18:00 a 22:00 h NIKKA [dj] (Lovethechaos) + MIGUEL MARIN [dj] (Emilii Records)+ ALBA G. CORRAL [visual...
Posted by NIKKA on Wed, 14 May 2008 02:38:00 PST

NIkka live@Live Soundtracks

Live Soundtracks is a platform to promote audiovisual projects in the city where it is organized. It's a meeting place for artists from any discipline and nationality to have the opportunity to exchan...
Posted by NIKKA on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 09:52:00 PST

Versus Electronics entrevista a NIkka en ScannerFm

Escucha la entrevista en este link: sk=view&id=2356&Itemid=98 PLAYLIST VERSUS ELECTRONICS 30 january 2008 PLAYLIST PROGRAM 12. b...
Posted by NIKKA on Tue, 05 Feb 2008 01:20:00 PST

Puntos de venta/// Isotopos available at... p;c=40 http://www.normanrecord...
Posted by NIKKA on Fri, 18 Jan 2008 01:17:00 PST

Cambio de planes de Nikka!!

Eoo!!El próximo día 2 de febrero, queda aplazado el directo que se iba a realizar en la sala niubcn, hasta el día 9 de febrero. Sólo lo aplazo una semanita!!!El motivo: Nos vamos a liarla un poquillo ...
Posted by NIKKA on Fri, 18 Jan 2008 11:55:00 PST