!!!9 YEARS OF MYSTICAL REGGAE!!!*September 27th THURSDAY @ BRAFF club* 1st session of the season*Guest mc SEANIE T.(www.myspace.com/darkhorizonrekordz) *After then EVERY THURSDAY*Hosted by Anna Mystic*Alongside Skitlab,Mashdown,Selah and MistaOperator on the decks*All nations welcome*Free Entrance*BRAFF:Doukissis Plakentias 122&Panormou,Ampelokipi-Athens*more info:6947151978*September 28th Friday*STEPPERS 2 DUBSTEPPERS @ YOGA BALA*From UK reggae dub to dubstep*On Decks:Anna Mystic & dj Harris(Funxion)*www.myspace.com/harrisfunxion *After midnite*Free Entrance* YOGA BALA:Riga Palamidou 5-7,Psirri-Athens*more info:6947151978**October 6th Saturday*DJ set by Anna Mystic@MAMA AFRICA FESTIVAL*Theatro Petras-Petroupolis,Athens*www.myspace.com/mamaafricaartfesti
val**October 12th Friday*Creative Space and a:formal present*DEEEPER SHADE OF DUB* Line Up:Skitlab b2b Anna Mystic (Mystical Reggae) GR*Headhunter (Tempa Recordings) UK*Disphonia ( Funxion) GR*GYALINO MOUSIKO THEATRO UPSTAIRS
PRICE: 10 euros*October 26th Friday*:*Belle Vue presents "Rhythm Stone" Allniter! + guest DJ Anna Mystic
(Mystical)@ Glam club (Elasidon & 40, Dekeleon str.) - Gazi / Athens*www.myspace.com/belle_vue*Free entrance*BIO DJ ANNA MYSTIC (ATHENS-GREECE)
Born in 1967 in Athens, she started collecting and playing Jamaican music in 1986. Since then, she's been holding residencies under the MYSTICAL REGGAE label in Athens (the last and most successful at 1-22 club, is ready to set off for its 9th year). Apart from Athens and rest of Greece she has been invited to spread out her unique versatile style (from ska, roots, ragga to UK dub) in Milan, three in London, twice in Brighton. In Athens she has played and organized gigs in literally any club* that could (or sometimes couldn't?) hold a reggae night, playing with the likes of: Nick Manasseh (uk), Dom (Blood and Fire Soundsystem, uk), Ras Styler (House of Roots, uk), Spikey T. (uk), Robert Tribulation (uk), Keith Lawrence (uk), Afrikan Simba,mc Champian,Brother Culture,Abi from soul jazz records...
Participation in:Synch Festival-Athens 2007,Mama Africa Festival 2006&2007, Rasta Vibe Festival 2003&2004 Samothraki Gathering@the Reggae Stage,Legalize Cannabis Festival 2005,2006 and 2007.She has been experienced from radio stations in Athens like Rock fm and Free fm.From June 2004 she runs Mystical Records Athens, the only reggae hip-hop record shop in Greece.
*Yoga Bala,BarGuruBar,Stavlos Thission, Aerodromio, No Name, Loop, 1-22, +soda, Bo club, Casablanca Soul, Barrio, Booze,Barrio,Gimmick,,Kybos plus more...plus many many more*Demo available. For more info:
[email protected]
Mobile: 0030-6947151978
Landline: 0030-210-4128553