The Scare Factor
My daughter and I are the owner/operators of The Scare Factor: the premier website for professional haunted house and dark attraction reviews. From a young age, I have had a passion for the horror industry. Saturday mornings, I religiously watched Dr. Shock of Philadelphia fame. Saturday afternoons, it was the weekly matinee with such classics as The Abominable Dr. Phibes and Godzilla vs. King Kong. But my love was not confined to watching. I was a subscriber and avid fan of Famous Monsters of Filmland. How much of a fan? I actually have an autographed picture of Forrest J Ackerman, editor-in-chief. My summers were spent at the Jersey shore, frequenting such classic haunts as Draculas Castle in Wildwood or The Brigantine Castle at Brigantine Beach. Each Halloween, it never sufficed to throw on a store-bought costume. I would rush home from school and begin the make-up process- the Hunchback, Dracula, zombies . . . One thing was certain; cute was never my goal. I want to scare the pants off people. When trick-or-treating lost it's lure, I turned to home haunting. That has been the tradition every year since then. Now each Halloween, my sister and fellow aficionado joins me on a week's vacation to transform my house and enjoy the day when everybody loves to be scared. The experience I bring to The Scare Factor is that of an educated fan. My passion for the industry has led me to examine it from many angles. I have studied and practiced make-up techniques. I have read books written about the Haunted Attraction Industry. But most of all, I know what makes for a good scare.Hi, this is Anna, the daughter. I am co-owner in the I don't have as much history in this stuff as my dad does. But I've been doing make-up (bruises, scars, etc.) since I was 10 years old. I actually had to try out to be able to work our home haunt. I did my own make-up, which consisted of a black eye, a scar on my lip, and bruises allllllll over my face. I went to go show my dad, when of course, I ran into my mom. She freaked out and thought I was dying. Our home haunt is awesome. Theres no people wearing blankets saying boo. We've made people cry. Anywhere from the ages of 1-40. Yes, I did say 40, parents cry too. This past year we made 12 people cry. Check out pictures in the album titled "Our Home Haunt". It's pretty awesome if you ask me.