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The Offical MySpace Page of IAHA

About Me

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The International Association of Haunted Attractions was established in 1998 to assist and advance the haunted attraction and entertainment industry through communication, education, and information. As a member of IAHA, you have access to a worldwide network of fellow industry professionals in order to exchange ideas, information, experiences and concerns. Through the IAHA, you can communicate with other haunt-related professionals via the internet, newsletters, educational opportunities, social functions and more.

IAHA is a professional association with a mission of serving haunted attraction and haunt entertainment related professionals through established short and long term goals. The haunted entertainment industry has grown over the past decade and a half. Today haunted attractions are a far more advanced form of entertainment than haunts from the 80's or early 90's. Attractions today feature set design that compares with major Florida theme parks and special effects even a Hollywood movie would envy.

Our industry has grown in both quality and the types of venues that hold events. Virtually every major theme park now has a haunted event in October as part of their amusement season. Some haunted events are attracting over 300,000 paid guests in 30 short days, while other events produce attractions to raise money for local charities.

IAHA members cover all the bases of this haunted industry - professional haunted attraction owners, home haunters and the vendors who provide materials and services to both. We thank you in advance for visiting our website and learning more about the scariest facet of the entertainment industry.

Please patronize haunted houses far and wide this haunted season. You will also find our members' haunts listed within our site and links to other sites that showcase haunted attractions, haunter resources, Halloween events and all things of interest to the haunt community.

If you own, operate or support the haunted attraction industry through professional products and/or services, we want you as a member. If you need information about our industry please use our website and explore. If you have any further questions about our association please do not hesitate to contact us . Again please patronize haunted attraction and entertainment events this Halloween season and have a safe and happy haunted holiday!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Anybody and everybody in the haunted attraction industry: Pro haunters, home haunters, yard haunters, haunt enthusiasts, Halloween nuts, horror fiends, mask makers, prop builders, vendors, dark artists, and anybody who loves spooky stuff!


Midnight Syndicate, Virgil Franklin, Michael Hedstrom, Pickwick, Sinister Sonics, Gathering of Darkness, Rob Zombie, The Ghastly Ones, Wednesday 13, Rotting Fleah Radio, The Serpentines, Creature Feature, Johnny Hollow

My Blog

June 2007 TAP Preview

By Brett Bertolino, Marketing Committee ChairIn the June 2007 Issue of Tourist Attractions & Parks Magazine we take a look at the use of special effects at haunted attractions, including actors, a...
Posted by IAHA on Sat, 26 May 2007 03:16:00 PST

NEW IAHA MySpace & Vendor Discounts Page!

IAHA has a new MySpace page to go with its new website: http://www.myspace.com/iahaweb - please add it to your Friends List and help spread the word! Also, we've posted a new publicly-accessible Ve...
Posted by IAHA on Tue, 22 May 2007 10:14:00 PST