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Hi, my name is Hunter. I was born August 15, 2007. I am a 4 generation pedigree doggy from Idaho Falls. My mommy found me on and I'm so glad she did. I love my mommy. It was love at first sight for the both of us. I'm so lucky to live at a house where I am loved. There are a lot of things about me that people find entertaining, but really it's just me and my personality. Sometimes when I get really excited, I do relays around the house like I'm a maniac. I'll run from one corner of the room to the other at top speeds. I've even ripped up carpet because I'm so fast. If that doesn't satisfy my doggy self, I grab me a big stuffed animal, blanket, pillow, or one of my human friends and show them who is dominant. It's all in good fun though and it's a great way to exercise. My mommy doesn't like it when I chew things up. So far I've chewed up three handles on purses and bags, the nice dining room rug, one of my momma's sports bras, a few more rugs, my blanket, socks, plants, and my mommy's mom's really nice antique pillow her great-grand mother made. Yea, they weren't happy about that. I have peed and pooped in the house countless times and have gotten spanked for it. But what they don't know is that I have a special room that I do it in. It's irresistible and they just can't seem to understand it.I absolutely cannot control myself when I'm outside! Oh my gosh, it's just insane. When I see a bird or any kind, I flip out. It's kinda cool actually because it's like my body takes over me and I am transformed into super doggy. My tail goes straight up, I lift up my front paw and lean forward. My ears perk up and my nose is unbelievable. My eyes will never leave the bird I spot. By the way, I L-O-V-E the chickens we have. Thankfully there is a fence between me and the rooster but I seriously think I can take him. His big body and razer sharp talons don't scare me.