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About Me

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Hi, my name is Hunter. I was born August 15, 2007. I am a 4 generation pedigree doggy from Idaho Falls. My mommy found me on and I'm so glad she did. I love my mommy. It was love at first sight for the both of us. I'm so lucky to live at a house where I am loved. There are a lot of things about me that people find entertaining, but really it's just me and my personality. Sometimes when I get really excited, I do relays around the house like I'm a maniac. I'll run from one corner of the room to the other at top speeds. I've even ripped up carpet because I'm so fast. If that doesn't satisfy my doggy self, I grab me a big stuffed animal, blanket, pillow, or one of my human friends and show them who is dominant. It's all in good fun though and it's a great way to exercise. My mommy doesn't like it when I chew things up. So far I've chewed up three handles on purses and bags, the nice dining room rug, one of my momma's sports bras, a few more rugs, my blanket, socks, plants, and my mommy's mom's really nice antique pillow her great-grand mother made. Yea, they weren't happy about that. I have peed and pooped in the house countless times and have gotten spanked for it. But what they don't know is that I have a special room that I do it in. It's irresistible and they just can't seem to understand it.
I absolutely cannot control myself when I'm outside! Oh my gosh, it's just insane. When I see a bird or any kind, I flip out. It's kinda cool actually because it's like my body takes over me and I am transformed into super doggy. My tail goes straight up, I lift up my front paw and lean forward. My ears perk up and my nose is unbelievable. My eyes will never leave the bird I spot. By the way, I L-O-V-E the chickens we have. Thankfully there is a fence between me and the rooster but I seriously think I can take him. His big body and razer sharp talons don't scare me.

My Interests

My favorite activities my mom does with me is when she races me with the four-wheeler. I've gone up to 25 mph! I am a badass, I must say. I also love going on hikes when my mom rides her horse. Sometimes I get on her horse's bad side because it will rare up and jump all over the place and has almost trampled me. I have learned though to stick by momma's side when she is warming her up. I have been getting up to swimming lately. It's really cool. I think I'll do it more in the summer when it's warmer.
I love plastic bottles, my new plastic hot dog,

I'd like to meet:

Lassie, Milo and Otis, Stephani Boyles from PETA, Jasper my sister's basenji. I pretty much want to meet anyone who wants to meet me. I love every person and every doggy but I realize that not everyone loves me so I just have to remember that when I'm around others.


Who Let the Dogs Out, Dirt House by Static X, Free Bird by Lynard Skynard, Black Bird by Paul McCartney, Old King by Neil Young, Old Red by Blake Shelton, Gonna Buy Me a Dog by the Monkees, Hound Dog by Elvis, BINGO, Animals by Pink Floyd, Shake Dog Shake by the Cure, Diamond Dogs by David Bowie, Mad Dog by Elastica, Too Many Puppies by Primus, Wild Pack of Family Dogs by Modest Mouse, Dogs Rule the Night by Porno for Pyros, etc.


Lassie, All Dogs go to Heaven, Milo and Otis, The Simpsons, Old Yeller, any John Wayne movies.


I love the discovery channel and of course animal planet. I have a guilty pleasure for late night cartoon network.


Marley and Me


My mommy, mike, demitry, mike's family, my mommie's mom and dad, my mommie's brother, and my pillow.