egg profile picture


This internet shit is weird!

About Me

Um........i looked at other peoples sites and they kept saying how fucking hot they where and how sexy they where, so hows this...............YO! I am so hot i will leave you with a big bloody poo stripe down the back off your damned panties.I also like cats.

My Interests

I like, I made a bomb once, it wasnt real and I was only ten......Um I am willing to hear stuff from nice girls who are lonely and need some kind of emotional tenderness......................I am a big fan of sexy stuff, but not if boys or men are involved.........I quite like movies too.

I'd like to meet:

Barry Lazergun.................the inventor of the lazer gun.Theres a picture of a bloke called tom below me claiming to be my friend..........I have no idea who he you think he is a nutbag?let me know?


Give it all to me............Music is the best.............I will try and make you a tape or something if you ask............................Do the kids still use tapes these days?, its all cds now isnt it.


I like all movies...................Thats a lie, here is another lie...........I have seen every movie ever made.