I like music...........................um, I made a bomb once, it wasnt real and I was only ten......Um I am willing to hear stuff from nice girls who are lonely and need some kind of emotional tenderness......................I am a big fan of sexy stuff, but not if boys or men are involved.........I quite like movies too.
Barry Lazergun.................the inventor of the lazer gun.Theres a picture of a bloke called tom below me claiming to be my friend..........I have no idea who he is....................do you think he is a nutbag?let me know?
Give it all to me............Music is the best.............I will try and make you a tape or something if you ask............................Do the kids still use tapes these days?, its all cds now isnt it.
I like all movies...................Thats a lie, here is another lie...........I have seen every movie ever made.