Hello. I'm Mike Walters, I live in NYC. I moved here from Carrboro, North Carolina in June 2007.
In NC, I played keyboards with Jett Rink when the band existed from 2001-2006, Dexter Romweber and the New Romans from 2005-2007, and with Tara Busch when she lived here in 2006, and we recorded an album. She moved to LA last year. And taeioualert .
I now play in a band in Brooklyn called fan-tan with some other NC expatriates.
Also, I build electronic instruments called Mystery Circuits and have them on my website: www.mysterycircuits.com
I've been married for 5 years to a wonderful woman named Ruth who's a Pathologist at NYU.
I enjoy inventing wacky devices that generate sounds electronically, and playing old synthesizers and organs. I also repair old synthesizers and organs, though I've pretty much decided to just work on my own stuff due to lack of enough workspace and time.
I don't eat cheese.
Here are some videos from 2006 of two instruments I built: