Le PALAIS des ARTS Waflash's new venue in Thiés..Le "Palais des Arts" est un Café-concert crée par le groupe Waflash,situé au quartier 10éme à Thiés, il est composé d'une salle de concert,d'un bar ,d'un cyber espace,d'un restaurant et d'un hall d'exposition.
Ce cadre a été conçu pour recevoir toutes les formes d'expression artistique,musique, théatre, peinture...etc
A group of friends who share a passion for music, the members of Waflash live in a town called Thies, approximately 60 miles east of Dakar, the capital of Senegal. In 1988, after spending their childhood in school, Senegal experienced a crisis in which students went on strike to demand better materials for their studies. As a result, many students did not go to school that year. This became an opportunity for the members of Waflash to focus their attention on music. As a result, in 1990, Waflash completed their first recording. Michael Soumah, a radio DJ in Dakar, heard the recording and exposed Waflash to a large public audience. Since that time, they have played at concerts, festivals and clubs around the country. After the official release of their first album, Yoon wi, in 1996, Waflash became a great hope for the region of Thies and one of the most well respected groups in Senegal.
The music of Waflash is a mixture of African, European and Asian music styles that speaks to the themes of love, environment, women, and a united Africa. The lead singer, Masane, is respected as one of the best female vocalists from the African continent and after proving their universal appeal, they have since exported their music to the west coast of Africa, Algeria, South Africa, Italy, France, Germany,switzerland,UK,Scandinavia...etc
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