Rien Poortvliet, Yard art, Robots. Grammar, Venus/The Moon, Fat tongues, new and old wave, ephedra, Turkish Delight, Gender roles, planets colliding, stylings of a first kiss, being a wine snob, hating my job, corn on the cob, what about bob, my squirttle key-fob, predictions, failures, trust/mistrust, and ill-communication, being idle, Iceland, wasting time, knowing better, ignoring life-lessons, Q-Tips, parsnips, picnics, day trips, poking fun, pushing it as far as i can, politely offending, ettiquette, Fortune telling, old stuff, science, non working machinery, wawa, electronic gadgets.
Brains in jars; Spacemen; Men with beards; Men who shave words into their hair; Folks who like things & music that I like; Friends who dont whine about stuff they can change; Other robots; intuitive heads who know how to take charge of the situation, any situation.Something exotic and entertaining. The Anti-anti.
Blingtastic-Electro-Hop. French House.
Wes Anderson stuff is fun. Nerdy things, or dark projects. Lifetime movies.
I hate watching tv with other people because they're adhd with changing the channels. I do however, rather enjoy amateur boxing.
Nabakov & Dahl. I'm a huge fan of Memoirs, Russian Journalists, and Childrens' fantasists.
Your mother, basically.Ed & Lorraine Warren.