Josh College profile picture

Josh College

Go Eagles!

About Me

I am a college student at Burlington County College. I hope to get a history A.A. and then go on to Rutgers or the College of NJ for my B.A. One day, I want to have a Ph. D. and be a history professor and teach somewhere and maybe write a few books. I enjoy writing and won a poetry contest at my college, look out Walt Whitman! I like hockey and am a diehard Flyers fan, love the Sixers, Eagles, and Yankees. I go to one or two games a year. I enjoy playing Tennis, practicing Karate, and exercising. I'm a big reader and love to go to Barnes and Noble or Borders. I love to go to Concerts and listen to loud music. I love to draw and make artwork on the computer and have made my own comic book, Maccabee Lady, which was a pretty big hit (if you want a copy just ask). I like to go to some local comic book conventions in Philly. I have a huge collection of comics and graphic novels, mostly I read comics because I enjoy them and to help me draw. My all-time favorite comic book and character is Superman. I mostly however read DC or Image Comics. I have met a number of top artists either just saying hi, in a function, and have traded comics or artwork with artists at shows. Not to brag but I have met some of the top artists and celebrities in the comic book industry. Like Andy and Adam Kubert, Kevin Smith (Silent Bob), Dave Mack and J.Michael Linsner. A friend and hero of mine is Al Wiesner the creator of Shaloman. I also love video games just got the X-Box 360.

My Interests

I am intrested in drawing , reading, collecting comic cooks and sports cards, going to sports games and rock concerts, playing Tennis, Basketball, Studying Karate. computers, and college.

I'd like to meet:

A friend at school suggested I set up a Myspace . I'm from a family of psychologists and I'm pretty open minded so stop by and talk.


I like Metallica alot and have every single album. I like Metallica,The Makkabees, Green Day, The Beatles, John Lennon, Paul McCartney Solo, Wings, Nirvana,The Doors, The Cranberries,Oasis, Korn, Achinoam Nini (Noa), Rage Against the Machine, Sublime, Gorrilaz, Rob Zombie, White Zombie, Ozzie Ozbourne, Black Sabbath, and Slipknot. I like to go concerts once in a while and hope to get back to playing my guitar someday. I hope to buy a new one day as mine is worn out ha ha. My friend from high school Mike has a band, Unscarred. It's a heavy metal band. He's the lead gitar player. My other friend from high school Jeremy is the drummer. Also there's these guys Leif and Brian although I always get mixed on what instruments they play. Unscarred rocks!!!


I like to go to the movies alot. I also like to watch movies at home. My favorite movie is 1984 which you can't get anymore I don't why. I like the Star Wars movies, Indiana Jones movies, Star Trek movies, any Superhero movies (Spider Man 2 sucks sorry). And I love gory horror movies. Also any stupid thing that makes me laugh like Happy Gilmore or Tommy Boy. I love cartoons or Anime like Akira, Ninja Scroll, Dragonball Z movies, Gundum Wing: Endless Waltz. Any Otaku?


My favorite shows are Star Trek: TNG, Daily Show, Colbert Report, X-Play, Attack of the Show, Anderson Cooper 360, Hardball, Coundown, South Park, Mind of Mencia, Cartoon Network, The Simpsons, Seinfield reruns, and the Apprentice (your fired!). Sports on Television is debatable but I like Baseball, Football, Basketball, Hockey, Soccer, and Tennis.


My favorite books are 1984, Case for Israel, Case for Peace, Napoleon, My Life, A History of Britain : At the Edge of the World 3000 BC to 1603 , Epilepsy, Wait till Next Year, and Einstein. I own all these books so you guess I really like them. I read alot. I go to the library and to the book stores.


My Father who is a wise man, My Sensei and friend Carter the greatest karate teacher and friend ever, My Cousins Jeremy and Ben who are really great cousins, and John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Ringo Starr, David Ben-Gurion, Napoleon, Julius Caesar, Judah the Maccabee, Bill Clinton,Yitzhak Rabin, Dave Mack, Shawn Green, Sandy Koufax, Mickey Mantle, Al Wiesner, Jack Kirby, Stan Lee,Troy Hickman, and Al Gore who I all admire for their greatness.

My Blog

New Comic Book Out!

My new comic, Maccabee Lady #2 is out now! An unstopable Aztec god of evil named Mkab takes control of Mexico and causes havok. Can Dreadnought the man of might or Maccabee Lady hope to stop him.
Posted by Josh College on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 07:21:00 PST

JLG is up!

I just launched my website for my comic books. There you can get my comic Maccabee Lady and view for free my other comic Dreadnought. Also you can preview my next book and read poetry I wrote. I'm add...
Posted by Josh College on Fri, 11 May 2007 09:27:00 PST

Remember, Remember-By Josh Goldstein

At times people live in fearOf the forces of tyranny's reach both far and near.First terror, then war, then fear!Because of the foolishness of the few...Before the knew a bit fascism was Thrown into g...
Posted by Josh College on Thu, 04 May 2006 02:45:00 PST

Big Time Indie Comic Artist

I have published my own comic book which has met with some success and popularity. Anyway, that comic book is Maccabee Lady ..1 which was printed about a year ago. I did it myself, the pencils, the i...
Posted by Josh College on Mon, 01 May 2006 08:40:00 PST