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I really do miss my dad... I will always love him... he was such a hard worker, as well as my loving brother. My mom is also a hard worker.... I will always miss you daddy, I love you! I am a great listener, I am open minded, I would like to travel A LOT some day, I love the feeling of love (i love you babez!), I adore animals, as much as I can for being a meat eater :-( , I want to do some more mission work someday possibly, it's an increidable feeling, I love snuggling in during rainy, stormy nights, and watching a movie :-), I cherish honesty, and notice when people keep their word. Respect is very important to me. I am very in touch with my emotions, I am sensitive when I feel I am misunderstood, I cry A LOT, but not in the naggy way, but because I really care. I like to laugh, and I like to make people laugh. Seriousness is not allowed, unless it is a must.. I have a really big heart, and I need to be more greedy with it ;-), I hate flakers, although everyone has to once a blue moon, I don't swear, unless I am fired up and mad, which rarely happens...I am very picky with people I get close to .I feel this world is getting way out of hand sometimes, and it scares me. I day dream....â€When it comes to believing in yourself, put your eye on the mark and don’t blink. If you have a goal, a dream, or an aspiration... believe in yourself while you are on the way to your destination, and you will have already arrived.â€
You Are 52% Democrat
You aren't a full fledged Democrat yet, but it's likely the party that fits you best.
You probably consider yourself an independent Democrat. You usually support the party, but you also think for yourself!
How Democrat Are You?Kittens Next Costume! haha SO cute
My cute kitten:
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hehe Chocolate Rain! I love music... I like rock, grunge, oldies, classics, techno, punk, and my brothers band THE CRUD
Remember, remember the fifth of November, gunpowder, treason and plot. I see no reason why gunpowder, treason, should ever be forgot ::A CHRiSTMAS STORY:: ::Garbage Pail Kids --classic:: ::STAND BY ME:: ::ANYTHiNG WITH JOHNNY DEPP :: ::WHAT ABOUT BOB:: ::THE BiG LEBOWSKi:: ::MULHOLLAND DRiVE:: ::MEMENTO:: ::BRAVEHEART:: ::ROMEO & JULiET:: ::ANYTHiNG WiTH CHRiSTiNA RiCCi:: ::MEET THE PARENTS:: ::DUMB & DUMBER:: ::TOMMY BOY:: ::MERMAiDS:: ::TOY STORY:: ::DiSNEY MOViES:: ::THE BULLY:: ::LOVE BEN STiLLER:: ::HEAVYWEiGHTS:: ::OFFiCE SPACE:: ::PiRATES OF THE CARRiBEANS:: ::KiLL BiLL 1 & 2:: ::DiSNEY MOViES(OLD SCHOOL):: ::GROUNDHOG DAY:: ::Chicken Run (haha):: ::Empire Records:: ::Sweet 16:: ::Meet the Fockers:: ::Lord of the Rings:: Singing in the rainDane cook:Gene Kelly:Jared letoMartin shortChevy ChaseLeonardo DiCaprio
::SNL:: ::SUCKER FOR REALiTY SHOWS:: Amazing Race & 70s House:: ::Reno 911:: ::That 70s Show:: JK ::FAMiLY GUY:: ::80s CARTOONS:: ::SPONGE BOB::
::DAD::MOM::BRO::SIS::GOD::[i love my family!!]