Add to My Profile | More VideosNONSENSELEKTRONIK (please note german wording. It is of an enormous importance to spell it this way). Nonsenselektronik is a band of two musicians and one full-time dancer (Der Tanzalligatorr obviously) they make strange kinds of electronic music, which usually leaves about five persons in the club at the end of performance, four of them with bold ???s and WTF?s written on their forehead and one person dancing like a fool because you find idiots everwhere. Yes, this was an exaggeration. But it is nearer to reality than you might think. They also make movies (well, they made one for now, but already, it's a beginning) the movie is called miogenik. Miogenik is a synonyme for a construction with one lens and various metal arms who keep in check a red dwarf. This dwarf symbolizes the eternal rebirth of the universal mondo king, wich himself is a tiny part of your left fingernail. Alles ist Alles. sorry for the nosense. One thing noticeable about the movie is that Peter Flugzeug and produced it within twelve hours: At 8pm, after the two had inhaled prohibited substances, they had the idea to make a movie. At 8:15am, they had made a movie, cut it and composed a soundtrack for it.
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