About Me
discography, remixes and appearences:
2007 The Coconut Wireless, Get The Fuck Up, Single (Moon 027, Moonbootique Rec.)
2007 The Coconut Wireless, Get The Fuck Up, V.A. Moonbootique Pres. Sound (Moonbootique Rec.)
2006 Saint Pauli, With You Remix (White Weed)
2006 Robosonic, Yasmin Remix (Diskomafia)
2005 Syntax Error, Cherokee, Remix (Kontor)
2005 Syntax Error, Cherokee Remix, V.A. Love Parade San Francisco (Low Spirit)
2005 The Coconut Wireless, Timosh, V.A. schanzensampler Vol2 (Hidden Tape)
2005 The Coconut Wireless, To The Boom, EP (Poptowncity Recordings)
2004 Palomino, Lovers ABC, Remix (WEA)
2003 Der Nordstern, Der Erste Aufguss, EP (Suomisoundsystem)
2003 The Coconut Wireless, On your Mind, V.A. HOME(in Dolby Digital) (StarBugs/Universal)
2003 Palomino, Perfect Accident, Remix (WEA)
2001 Cram, 24h, Traumfänger feat. Der Nordstern (Cryptanalysis)
2000 Fünf Sterne Deluxe, Die Leude, Remix (Yo Mama)
1999 Cram, 24h, Remix (Cryptanalysis)