Jose profile picture


The man who likes his martinis shaken, not stirred

About Me

It seems like a very self-centered thing to do to talk about myself. I don't like talking about myself, I prefer listening to other people, I've learned most of the things I know that way. I am a person on a quest to be the best person I can be. I have a superhero, lone cowboy type of personality, full of doubts, hang-ups and a lot of humanity. My best quality is my compassionate nature. My worst fault is all the second-guessing I do on my life. I am a person people seem to enjoy being around. I'm funny, warm and considerate. At times, I can pull off being charming and witty, but only on special occasions :)

My Interests

I love the arts, be it painting, sculpture, cinema, music, literature, etc. I love writing, daydreaming and just taking time everyday to look up to the sky, the horizon, the landscape, the stars, the moon, the faces of people passing by, all the beauty that surrounds us and we seem to leave ignored. I am an ardent defender of human rights, the environment, the freedom to speak, think, act freely and a fiery opponent of anyone who feels they should curb other people's rights for their own interests. I am a cosmopolitan and hate the idea of boundaries, frontiers or limits. I believe we are all brothers and sisters and that, even though we're different and believe in different things, we can truly live in harmony and co-operation, if we wanted to. I believe in solidarity and justice and can not conceive of any reason so many of our brothers and sisters die of hunger, war and disease each day. I love philosophical conversations, although I prefer them when people are sober. I try to think that we can build a better world, although some people insist on doing everything to prove me wrong.

I'd like to meet:

Anyone. I do not discriminate in any way, shape or form.
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I have a very varied taste of music, although I seem to give alot of importance to melodies, skilled playing and innovation/creativity. I have a religious hard rock/metal upbringing, but listen to pop, funk, jazz, fuson, r&b, soul, new age, etc. I truly enjoy bands like Zeppelin, Sabbath, Metallica, Gn'R, Maiden, on the one hand, and stuff like Motown, Parliament/Funkadelic, James Brown, Miles Davis, John Coltrane, U2, Beatles, Stones, etc. Eclectic, and mostly electric, is my musical taste.


I truly love movies and imagining myself in them. They're a great escape when you feel your life is in a rut and boring. I have an extensive list of movies and directors I prefer, but, narrowing it down to just a few, I can tell you I am fan of Stanley Kubrick, Terrence Malick, the "young" Scorcese, Hitchkock, Bergman, Kurosawa and Takeshi Kitano. My favorite movies include Taxi Driver, Raging Bull, Goodfellas, the first two movies of the Godfather trilogy, Dr. Strangelove, A Clockwork Orange, The Thin Red Line, Badlands, Fireworks, 39 Steps, Rashomon, Wild Strawberries and, of course, the first 3 movies of the Star Wars series (not the prequels), but I enjoy any movie that makes me want to spend my time watching them. My fave actors and actresses are De Niro, Pacino, Brando, Gary Cooper, Humphrey Bogart, Michelle Pfeifer (love of my life), Susan Sarandon and Katherine Hepburn.


I'm a huge fan of cartoons, especially Looney Tunes (kind of my Bible), Simpsons, South Park, Family Guy and Japanese Anime or Manga. I love comedies, but I also like dramas and suspense stories, if they have quality acting and writing. I'm a fan of "The Sopranos", "Lost" and many other programs, but they tend to lose quality because they drag on a bit. I hate reality shows and think that TV keeps getting worse with every season that passes.


I enjoy reading, but the books that most caused an impression on me are Huckleberry Finn, The Catcher in the Rye, Johnny got his Gun, Night and the writings of philosophers like Kant, Plato or Descartes.


Anyone who strives to make this world a better place and who does it without hurting anyone in the process. People who quietly do their jobs, love their neighbors and their families and who are always willing to sacrifice their own happiness for the greater good. My parents, for instance. Jesus of Nazareth, Gandhi, Martin luther King, Jr. and all the anonymous souls who lived, throughout human history, and who were good people, but that history books seem to ignore.

My Blog

Atonement (Part 3)....

"Euripides didn't sleep that night, worried about his friend Patroculus and thinking of a way to convince him not to end his life in a way that was not suitable for such a noble figure. It was quite a...
Posted by Jose on Fri, 30 Nov 2007 09:41:00 PST

Atonement (Part 2)....

"Patroculus had his servants set a brilliant banquet before Euripides, who, being of a humble, stoic nature, refused such lavish morsels and accepted only a few dried figs and some wine. Patroculus sm...
Posted by Jose on Sat, 24 Nov 2007 02:46:00 PST

Atonement (Part 1)....

Hi, everybody, I wish you all well and I hope you all have a great weekend and week.  I still don't have the time I need to write on Myspace like I use to, but things are going well and I don't h...
Posted by Jose on Sat, 17 Nov 2007 02:01:00 PST

Inspector Sancho goes to school (repost)...

"The way we were. That's what I was thinking right now looking at an old picture of me and my parents when I was about 17. My parents in the far corner pretending they didn't know me and my cousin Ger...
Posted by Jose on Sat, 10 Nov 2007 01:37:00 PST

Inspector Sancho and the case of the missing sheep (repost)...

"The last thing that crosses my mind is to ever quit being a detective. It's last in line at the stop-light intersection. So it has to give right of way to the rest of the things in there.I love comin...
Posted by Jose on Sat, 03 Nov 2007 05:26:00 PST

Inspector Sancho strikes again (repost)...

"It's pretty obvious that the PJ would never be the same without me. They might actually solve cases and resolve mysteries, for instance, but how could they live without me (what's that Duarte? You're...
Posted by Jose on Sat, 27 Oct 2007 03:07:00 PST

Inspector Sancho and the case of invisible seams (repost)...

"I was sitting in the office with Duarte the other day, when my cousin Gertrudes decided to pay us a visit. She paid me $250 and Duarte 50 cents (I'm family, after all) so she could visit us, to bring...
Posted by Jose on Sat, 20 Oct 2007 01:52:00 PST

Inspector Sancho’s first case (repost)...

Hi everyone, I hope you are all well and that life is treating you right.  I am having a great time travelling in Portugal, visiting places and old friends before I move to Ireland.  I was s...
Posted by Jose on Fri, 12 Oct 2007 11:16:00 PST

Inspector Sancho and the case of the four legged dog (repost)...

"My life as a policeman is never boring. OK, it is pretty boring, given that I just sit around my office looking at the files of cases piling up. I really don't have much room even to sit. I lost Duar...
Posted by Jose on Sat, 06 Oct 2007 01:52:00 PST

Inspector Sancho and the case of the last cookie (repost)...

"In the many years I've been a detective, I've seen many things that I can not explain: why people harm each other the way they do, why people who once loved each other could hate each other so, why p...
Posted by Jose on Thu, 27 Sep 2007 04:36:00 PST