Music Music And More Music! Fishing, & ROLLERCOASTERS ..
Lots Of People & Places
Twiztid, ICP, or AMB? I.C.P. DUH!!
Whats ur fav. jokers card? RidDlEbOx & MiLeNkO
batman or spiderman? bAtMaN HeLl yEa!!
anybody killa or blaze? bLaZe yA DeAd hOmIe
Esham or Tech N9ne tEcH N9Ne
Dark Lotus or psychopathic rydas DaRk lOtUs
hatchet or axe? aXe
what do u think of boondox? dA ShIzZnIkS
whats ur source for psychopathic news? wHaTeVeR WhErEvEr {jUgGaLo nEwS}
kottonmouth kings? GoTtA LoVe eM!!!
have u been to any Gathering of the juggalos? hElL YeA AlMoSt aLL oF Um!
have u been to any mini gatherings? yEp
shotgun or nine mil? dEfF ShOtGuN
soopa heros or soopa villians sOoPa ViLlIaNs
whos facepaint is ur fav.? ViOlEnT J's
whos ur fav. kottonmouth king? D-LoC & LoU DoG
juggalo or juggalette, which are u? jUgAlEtTe wOoP WoOp!!!
whats ur fav. psychopathic song? ChIcKeN HuNtIn, LeTs gO AlL ThE WaY, & pUmPkIn cArVeR
whats ur fav. psychopathic CD? dArK LoTuS {tAlEs fRom tHe LoTuS PoD}
Twiztid Serial killing juggalo? wAtCh as tHeY ChAnGe aNd mUtAtE InTo a fReEk sHoW
juggalo family is the greater than music? woOp wOoP!!!
do you own any hatchet gear? BuT Of CoUrSe!
whats ur fav. faygo flavor? dIsCoNtInUeD bLue MoOn miSt rOcK & RyE, & gRaPe
are you a maggot too? fuck naW!!
Wicked Ninja Clowns? WeRD, TiLl i dIe!
Ringmaster or riddlebox? dEffinitely RiDdLeBoX
shangri la or hells pit? ShAnGrI La!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
phatso or FTFO? FtFo
bizzar or Bizaar? BiZaAr
Insane Clown Posse, Blaze Ya Dead Homie, Killa C, Psychopathic Rydas, Dark Lotus, Wolfpac, Boondox, Twiztid, Esham, Jumpsteady, Horrorcore, All Classic Rawk, Hard Rawk, Nu Metal, Rawk In General,
E.T., Halloween, The Gremlin's, The Goonie's, The Breakfast Club, Nightmare On Elm Street, Any Horror FLicks/Slasher Movies, Some Kind Of Wonderful, Rolling Kansas, Billy Madison, Tommy Boy, BLack Sheep{any movie with CHRIS FARLEY in it; one of the greatest actors ever}Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles{SECRETOF THE OOZ}
Animal Planet, Discoevry Channel; wut can I say I like educational shyt lol!! Aqua Teens, Robot Chicken, Metalapocolypse, Rosannne, The Simpsons, Futurama, Dirty Jobs, The Food Network, How It's Made
Anything That involves The Paranormal or Vampires
Who else but the greatest of all ~*~*BATMAN*~*~