Member Since: 5/4/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: Reverend Baconstein
Influences: "Hurry it up already, you hoosier bastard! I could have killed twenty men while your fucking around!!!" - Carl Panzram when standing at the gallows; shouted to the hangman.
"I don't believe in man, God nor Devil. I hate the whole damned human race, including myself... I preyed upon the weak, the harmless and the unsuspecting. This lesson I was taught by others : Might makes right." - Carl Panzram
John Wayne Gacy's final words after lethal injection - "Kiss my ass!"
"Kill me again, or take me as I am... for I will not change." - Marquis de Sade
"What do you think, now, when you see a pretty girl walking down the street?" and answering himself: "One side of me says, 'Wow, what an attractive chick. I'd like to talk to her, date her.' The other side of me says, 'I wonder how her head would look on a stick?'"
"...i had thought of annihilating the entire block that i lived on..."
" know the head's where everything is at, the brain, eyes, mouth. that's the person. i remember being told as a kid, you cut off the head and the body dies. the body is nothing after the head is cut off... well that's not quite true. with a girl there's a lot left in the girl's body without a head..."
- edmund kemper
"No sense makes sense."
“Look down at me and you see a fool;
look up at me and you see a god;
look straight at me and you see yourselfâ€
"I am a reflection of you. I am what you've made me." - Charles Manson
"we serial killers are your sons, we are your husbands, we are everywhere. and there will be more of your children dead tomorrow" - Ted Bundy
"There is no happiness without tears, no life without death. Beware! I am going to make you cry." - Lucian Staniak
"I love to kill people. I love watching them die. I would shoot them in the head and they would wiggle and squirm all over the place, and then just stop. Or I would cut them with a knife and watch their faces turn real white. I love all that blood. I told one lady to give me all her money. She said no. So I cut her and pulled her eyes out." - Richard Ramirez
"it obviously doesnt require brains to make electronic music"
" i've met you before and you suck. i don't see how we'll see each other to talk shit, i'll never be at one of your noise shows. that's only because i like shitty music like boston. you are a loser, baconburgerfuck, blow me. you make shitty noise using other people's music.
good luck on your music, im sure you'll go far fuckwad."
"I cant find anything very musical about your project......I just dont belive in making music without instruments"
"i don't add random crap bands that are just a bunch of crappy noise. DO NOT ADD ME AGAIN. you are weird."
" Even if people that come out to my night like gabber, tweaked, glitched, bent, electronic music they 1) don't want to hear an hour of it (especially if they don't know what it is) 2) They want to hear something that they know that would entice them to dance."
"I may not "get it" but your music sounds like a blender butt fucking a My First Sony."
"i guess if you make up your own genera of music, you should be pretty good at it, huh? this isn't the case here. i listened to a couple of tracks. just about everyone could produce circles around doublebaconhangerburger, just saying."
"get talent and a brain"
"you're one of the reasons i try to keep my kids off of myspace"
"I think you will be getting a cruel dose of reality when you move and realize very few people in Indiana and very few people outside of Indiana give a poop about your tunes."
"There's a thousand other noisy annoying experimental fucks that still can't get any press because, well, people have better things to do than waste their time listening to tripe that an 8 year old could produce on Acid Pro."
"fuck electronic soul-less button pushing that isn't fun to listen to or watch.
fuck jacking with toys and calling it original. "
"indiana totally power owned you. now get to steppin'."
"you suck so bad no one really gives two fucks about your shitty ass band. ultimately you have to suck dick just to get a show booked."
central indiana:
northern/southern indiana and surrounding states:
will play for gas/food money($30-40), and depending where you are, maybe a place to crash.
anywhere else:
round trip plane ticket, food, place to crash (couch, hotel, whatever)
please give me at least a month's notice before the show, to adjust my personal schedual (which i am only available 2 weekends a month), and do proper promotion for the event. you must have a descent sound system (i will not play through ghetto blaster speakers), and if i play your house... please dont have cockroaches.
please specify what kind of set you'd like me to play: "breakcore", noise, circuit bent, acapella, dj your fuckin bday party... whatever. im down.
need more info?
message me here, or
.. masterhairahcaz
y a h o o: hairahcaz
Record Label: badtaste/sociopath/synthetic void/rottgut
Type of Label: Indie