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I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

I live, I breathe, and require food for energy. I interact, and sometimes not. I laugh and cry (sometimes at the same time) More later. Here is my new website/blog Visit My WebsiteIt's very bare bones cuz I just started it, but when I stop being so lazy, this will be a blog of brilliant mediocrity.Also check out, I have some non comic book stuff on there. Do it gipper!

My Interests

Going to bullfights on acid...that was too easy. I don't know, watching films, listening to records, and sitting in on Lyndon Larouche events. (Damn, that man is insightful.) Laughing alot, reading comics, and bothering everybody at work.

I'd like to meet:

Is someone stalking me? umm, probally bizarro Josh, nyet!!


Pink Military,Au-Pairs,Can,Hawkwind,Amon Duul II,Pulsar,Plastic Cloud,Kalacakra,Mythos,Paternoster,Cluster II,Annexus Quam,Yatha Sidhra,Ash Ra Tempel,The Chords,Ultimate Spinach,Poly Styrene solo LP,The Rising Storm,,49th Parralel,The Proletariat,Capt. Beefheart,Nico,Gilgamesh,Soft Heap,Book of Am,The Third Eye,Group 1850,Xhol Caravan,Alphataurus,Flying Karpets,Kaleidoscope,Kraftwerk,Lilliput,Red Wedding,Mighty Sphincter,28th Day,Super-Heroines,The Thought,Residents,Ultravox,Tubeway Army,Orange Juice,Boys Next Door,Gang of Four,A Certain Ratio,The Creation,Mass,Essential Logic,Kommunity FK,Eno,Art Attacks,Desperate Bicycles,Casual Dots,Easybeats,Voice Farm,Far Out,Ataraxia,Floating State,Dream Syndicate,Rain Parade,Pink Fairies,Art and Language,Red Krayola,Raincoats,Blossom Toes,Brain Police,Debris,Drunk Horse,Public ImageLtd.,The Freak Scene,Skewbald,Mad River,The Search Party,


Catherine Breillat films like A Real Young Girl-Bergman stuff like Fanny and Alexander,Persona, Cries and Whispers-Cassavetes, Minnie and Moskowitz Husbands-Kubrick, Barry Lyndon Dr. Strangelove,-Lucas, THX 1138, Empire Strikes Back(ok, he didn't direct it, but his names all over the damn credits)Woody Allen-Stardust Memories, Interiors, umm what else? Rushmore,Stranger than Paradise, Last Picture Show, Mac and Me,All Blair Witch ripoffs,MASH(the movie)70's New Hollywood films,French New Wave -Breathless,My Life to Live,Discreet Charm of the Bourgeisouise(probally spelled that wrong)All 1980s Chevy Chase Films. RUSTY WORLD TOUR 85' dudes!!


ok...T..E...L...6-no wait, let me try that again. T...E..L..E...V...Niner....wait, let me try a simpler word. A..T...AT! That was easy.


can't go wrong with any Philip K Dick stuff, what a headtripper. Books like Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, and The Man in the High Castle are bitchin' and loop you into a weird parallel reality wrapped in schizo mental breakdowns. Kinda like when I arrive at work. I'll read books from authors who have died "mysteriously" like Gary Webb or any one else who writes about Bush and the family background. Oh yeah, books like The Swatiska and the Eagle, that highlight US corporations financial involvement with the third reich in the 1930's. All Alan Moore graphic novels like Watchmen, Miracleman, and Swamp Thing. Good f'in dialogue.


Any or Everyone who tries to keep their heads above water in this crazy world.

My Blog

comics, comics, COMICS!!

Ok, because of my utter lack of acquiring cable television, I now present to you THE publishing event of the year!  That's right, my first foray into comic book publishing has seen a new dawn!&nb...
Posted by Josh on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 04:53:00 PST