Múgsefjun profile picture


Debut album available @ kimi.grapewire.net.

About Me

The music of Múgsefjun is somewhat difficult to sum up. It’s a melting pot of different genres and styles ranging from alternative country and folk to progressive rock. Those that have tried describing Múgsefjun’s music to others are usually reduced to naming other bands and musicians which kinda sound like Múgsefjun...and that’s a list that has a tendency to grow rather long.

The lineup of the band is rather unorthodox, featuring an accordion player in tandem with the more familiar combination of drums, bass and guitars. Add intricate vocal harmonies to this peculiar lineup and you’ve got a very distinct sound.

Múgsefjun was originally formed in 2004 by Hjalti Þorkelson and Björn Heiðar Jónsson, two best friends since early childhood. The name of the band came from a term often used by a teacher at their music school for describing cheap tricks to please the common undemanding listener. They undoubtedly adopted the name with a hint of irony because even though they write clever lyrics and catchy melodies, they often bury them in complex arrangements and odd time signatures.

Hjalti and Björn were soon joined by Björn’s close relative Sveinn Ingi Reynisson on the accordion and as far as they were concerned, the band was complete with Hjalti and Björn playing acoustic guitars and Hjalti singing lead vocals.

In the year 2005 they decided to change things around and add a bass player and a drummer to the band. Brynjar Páll Björnsson was drafted to play the bass. Finding a permanent drummer however proved elusive. After searching for a couple of months without any results, Björn Heiðar decided to take on the drumming duties until a replacement was found in Þorsteinn Már Jónsson. Þorsteinn then quit in the beginning of 2007 and was replaced by their current drummer, Eiríkur Fannar Torfason.


"The pace slows and musical horizons are expanded with the arrival of Múgsefjun. Their inverted alt-rock with an accordion twist is truly enchanting. Each chorus is an eruption of emotion, little pockets of brilliance evidenced by their counter-intuitive playing and a willingness to merge styles with impunity."

Francis Jones, BBC

"Múgsefjun was an instantly lovable crew, with their whirring melodies punctuated with accordion (and the occasional, forgivable flute solo). Hjalti Þorkelson is a gifted and impassioned vocalist, his timeless voice boosted by the complex textures of electric guitar and drummer Eiríkur Fannar Torfason."

Katie Hasty

The Reykjavík Grapevine, Airwaves 2007 issue 1

Múgsefjun í kastljósinu, nóv 2007

My Interests


Member Since: 2/14/2006
Band Members: Guitar/lead vocals Hjalti Þorkelson Guitar/vocals Björn Heiðar Jónsson Accordion/keyboards/ vocals Sveinn Ingi Reynisson Bass Brynjar Páll Björnsson Drums Eiríkur Fannar Torfason
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Platan okkar, Skiptar skoðanir er komin út!!

Loksins loksins! Ég vill þakka öllum þeim sem hafa stutt okkur í gegnum þetta skemmtilega verkefni.Takk þið eruð öll æði! Platan kom s.s út fyrir viku síðan, fékk 4.stjörnur í fréttablaðinu og er orð...
Posted by Múgsefjun on Thu, 05 Jun 2008 02:17:00 PST

Platan kemur út 28. maí

Jæja, þá er komið að þessu. Áætlaður útgáfudagur okkar fyrstu plötu, sem mun heita Skiptar skoðanir er 28. maí. Sú dagssetning mun standa, út frá því gefnu að þýska fabrikkan standist sín tímamörk og ...
Posted by Múgsefjun on Fri, 16 May 2008 04:53:00 PST

platan komin í framleiðslu.

Ahhh, loksins.. Allt tilbúið, aðeins um 3 mánuðum of seint. Það er hins vegar ýmislegt sem getur farið úrskeiðis í framleiðslu, eins og t.d að hún myndi koma til baka í hulstri frá þýsku rokkhljómsvei...
Posted by Múgsefjun on Sat, 19 Apr 2008 09:08:00 PST

status á plötu

Jæja þá. Um þessar mundir er platan að koma úr hljóðblöndun og verð ég að segja að útkoman virðist ætla að taka fram úr flestum vonum. Þá er næsta skref tónjöfnun, en við ætlum að vera sérlega grand á...
Posted by Múgsefjun on Sat, 12 Jan 2008 03:32:00 PST

Smá hljóðversblogg

Í þessum rituðu orðum standa yfir upptökur á fyrstu plötu okkar. Þær fara fram í lýsistanki á Flateyri sem nýlega hefur verið breytt í hljóðupptökuver. Svo nýlega að við erum þess heiðurs aðnjótandi a...
Posted by Múgsefjun on Tue, 21 Aug 2007 03:14:00 PST

mugsefjun at gmail.com

Til að hafa samband. Kveðja:)
Posted by Múgsefjun on Sat, 21 Jul 2007 06:24:00 PST

Plata í vændum.

Nú fer loksins að koma að því að við Múgsefjunarmenn leggjum af stað í plötu-upptökur. Ansi merkilegur tímapunktur fyrir okkur, eftir 3 ár af leti og bjórdrykku, að allt sé loksins að smella saman. Vi...
Posted by Múgsefjun on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 08:58:00 PST