Visual arts: particularly contemporary figurative painting and it's promotion. Linked to: Stuckism, Remodernism, outsider art and surreal/visionary/magic realism/ fantastic art contacts.Celtic mythology and other aspects of British pre-historic culture. Pagan symbols are important in the development of my artwork. Also interested in developing my own personal mythology based on natural forms.
"Beginnings", oil on canvas, 101cm x 183cm.
"Gateway", oil on canvas, 51cm x 153cm.
"The rising of the sun and the drawing down of the moon", oil on Belgian linen, 66cm x 120cm.
"Senses", oil on canvas, 66cm x 53cm.
"Spirit within the elements", oil on canvas on board, 80cm x 23cm (x4) & 91.5cm (x3)
"Resurrection of the primordial spirit", oil on Belgian linen, 25cm x 46cm.
Anybody really, but particularly people interested in the visual arts, literature and music.
"Forgotten people", oil on canvas, 52cm x 102cm.
"Sanctuary", oil on canvas, 300cm x 450cm.
"Miss S and her lovers", acrylic on canvas, 152cm x 244cm
It's about to rain over the tower", oil on canvas, 91.5cm x 122cm.
"Christ and the maiden", oil on canvas, 153cm x 91.5cm.
"Bather in paradise", acrylic on canvas, 107cm x 211cm.
"Tess and others", oil on canvas, 71cm x 51cm.
"Plant and face", oil on paper, 74cm x 68cm.
"Before nightfall", acrylic on paper, 35cm x 120cm
Classical, folk and rock music.
"Lake", oil on canvas on board, 26cm x 38cm.
"Leaves of life", acrylic on Belgian linen on board, 46cm x 24cm.
Not seen many recently, but did enjoy "The village" and "Constant gardener".
"Ascension", oil on canvas on board, 35cm x 34cm.
"Connections", oil on canvas, 203cm x 127cm
"Bliss and the mechanical fault", oil on Polish linen, 76cm x 122cm.
"Ancient to modern", acrylic on canvas on board, 77cm x 23cm (x4).
"The rider", acrylic on canvas, 150cm x 276cm.
"New growth with structure", acrylic on canvas, 47cm x 73cm.
"Ashford on the water", oil on canvas, 56cm x 112cm.
"Birth in the mist2", oil on Belgian linen on board, 19cm x 30.5cm.
"Birth in the mist", oil on canvas on board, 23cm x 38cm.
"Giant", acrylic on paper, 61cm x 41cm.
Fiction: D.H.Lawrence, Tolkien, Camus, Kafka, Hesse, Brooks, Beagle, Orwell, Huxley, Fowler, Dostoyevsky and Tolstoy.
Non-fiction; art history. "Leonardo Da Vinci" by Frank Zoeller a favourite. An expensive book, but well worth it. Excellent text and superb reproductions.
"Down south", acrylic on canvas, 150cm x 90cm.
"Fallen", acrylic on Belgian linen, 30.5cm x 91.5cm and 45.5cm x 30.5cm.
"Sapling by the lake2", oil on canvas on board, 35.5cm x 15cm.
beinArt Surreal Art Collective