~* Liana *~ profile picture

~* Liana *~

More tattoos or not?

About Me

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Name? Paula Liane Carter
Age? 21.
Male/Female? If you can't tell by the pic, I'm female.
Birthday? 05/07 (and for americans, that's the 5th of July)
Birth sign? I was born in the month of Cancer
Hometown? Castleford, WEST Yorkshire.
Current location? Bridgwater, Somerset
Hair color/Style? the way it is at the moment.
Eye color? Blue, depending on what colour eye shadow I wear to how blue they are.
Height? 5' 6", I'm a short arse
Heritage? English through and through
Education level? Got through school and college, didn't get as far as uni.
Stereotype? I don't fall into one catagory
Clothing style? Often seen in jeans, dolly shoes, vest and hoody/jacket
Best feature? My Smile
Piercings? left ear 4, right 3 and tongue.
Tattoos? um, 6 of them.
Think you are attractive? I'm okay
Believe in yourself? It depends what I'm doing.
Hopes for your future? Ask me when I feel sane.
Biggest weakness? my friends/ family hurt and distressed
Greatest fears? being alone
Health freak? not really
OCDs? Um, not that I know of...
Depressed? Sometimes
Regrets? There's a few
How do you want to die? Peacefully in my sleep, please?
Color? Um... purple, lilac, pale...
Food? Pasta Bakes are good at the moment
Book? I don't really have a fave book
Song? Don't let me get me, Pink.
Actor? Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom
Pizza? Domino's new Meteor
Movie? Again, don't really have a fave
Animal? I want a Yorkshire Terry, please??
Holiday? Um, I'll tel you when I've travelled some
Thirst quencher? Pepsi Max, squash...
Where would you like to live? Somewhere warm...
Been to or lived in a major city? Um, London, no.
What country would you most like to Visit? There's a lot of places I'd like to go
Been outside of your country? Spain...
Been to a major tourist spot (Grand canyon, Big Ben, Pyramids, etc)? Um... No...
Been to a major romantic spot (Niagara falls, Eiffel Tower, etc)? Haha, no.
Ever/Past month/Last 24 hours/Do you:
Smoke? Never smoked, never will.
Swear? That's a daily occurance.
Been drunk? A few times
Done any drugs? Nope, never.
Stolen anything? Um, no...
Had an argument? Not really
Gotten into a fight? Normally the one breaking it up
Been beaten up? No, managed to avoid it Done more than kiss? Yes, and he was amazing Been to a concert? haha, would have done it they hadn't posponed
Play an instrument: No, but would love to learn guitar one day
Play video games? Nope
Dance? When I'm drunk
Sing? Used to
Read? When I get the chance
Like storms? Hell yeah, love them.
Had/Have a crush? Who hasn't?
Been on a date? Yeah, great ex boyfriend... haha
Been on a blind date? Kinda, got stood up, too. Kissed someone? Um, yeah...
Kissed the same sex? I've kissed a female
If Gay/Bi are you out? I think people know I'm straight.
Been called a tease? Haha, yeah...
Gone skinny dipping? No, I have not.
Had sex? Um, yeah...
Been in love? No, thought I was, but no I wasn't.
Been dumped? Yup, left some what hurt, too
Had your heart broken? No
Broken someone's heart? Probably
In a relationship now? No, that would mean I'd have a heart!
Want to get married? At some point in the future, but only if it's the right person
Have/want kids? Again, with the right person
Dating preferences:
Guys or girls? Guys, please...
Eye color? I like ones that draw my attention (usually blue or brown)
Hair color/Style? No real preference...
Height? Taller than me, pretty please
Fitness level? um, I don't mind...
Heritage? breathing, would be nice.
Stereotype? Someone like me... doesn't fit a group
Clothing style? Jeans and a t...
Best feature? funny...
I also like this guy:
And these guys:
Click Here to get this from pYzam.com!

My Interests

adopt your own virtual pet!

adopt your own virtual pet!

I'd like to meet:

Someone fascinating and interesting.


Most stuff, depends on my mood. Mostly stick to rock/metal or variations there of.

If you wanna see what sort of stuff I listen to, take a look at my friend's list.


Horror, Vampire, chick flick when i'm down.


Don't really watch tv, but most stuff on abc1.


Anything horror, vampire stuff grabs my attention, too.


My mum! because she's the best and strongest person I've ever met.

My Blog


This will change over the next 3 days.I'm tipsy at the moment thanks to amazing customers buying me drinks and... a glass and a half of champagne...Mum bought me the CD of my photo shoot, pix will go ...
Posted by ~* Liana *~ on Thu, 05 Jul 2007 06:48:00 PST

So, I forgot... 2

Scammed... Really really scammed...! F**king b*****ds!!If you wanna know what I'm talking about read my last entry... It's all a scam...
Posted by ~* Liana *~ on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 11:12:00 PST

So, I forgot...

I get crappy emails for contests and free stuff (all american, may I add) so I don't bother with them cause they're not willing to ship if I did win!But one of them was for a poetry comp, annual prize...
Posted by ~* Liana *~ on Sun, 10 Jun 2007 07:23:00 PST

Promotion... Promoting.... Ugh, whoring!

I don't know who, or how many of you read this, but, I'm gonna do a little whoring of a few things... Well, mainly people... The first of which is:Sirenesis - they're friends of mine, they have a good...
Posted by ~* Liana *~ on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 12:13:00 PST

Moon Juice

After a minor panic attack and a small phone slamming incident my few days was cool. I didn't go and see the person that would have been the route of my problems, so that was okay.Everything was cool ...
Posted by ~* Liana *~ on Thu, 01 Mar 2007 03:22:00 PST

Crazed MoFo

I'm going "home" for a few days, or at least that's what everyone else is saying. No, I'm not going home, I'm already at home, I'm just going back to my old town, where I grew up to see friends and fa...
Posted by ~* Liana *~ on Sun, 25 Feb 2007 12:11:00 PST


I find it so incredibly interesting, that, I can go out and get as drunk as I wish (or stay as sober as I wish, no matter what I drink - it's the one thing I really know how to control!!) and it doesn...
Posted by ~* Liana *~ on Fri, 15 Dec 2006 11:50:00 PST

Hmm, interesting...

Your dating personality profile:Stylish - You do not lack for fashion sense.  Style matters.  You wouldn't want to be seen with someone who doesn't care about his appearance.Athletic - Physi...
Posted by ~* Liana *~ on Wed, 30 Aug 2006 07:01:00 PST

Boyfriend Appication Form... hehe

Name:Age:Height:Birthday:From: Favourite band/s:Favourite movie/s:Favourite season:Favourite food: Typical outfit for you?:Piercings?:Tattoos?:Do you believe in love at first sight?:First thing you no...
Posted by ~* Liana *~ on Tue, 01 Aug 2006 04:43:00 PST