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Name? Paula Liane Carter
Age? 21.
Male/Female? If you can't tell by the pic, I'm female.
Birthday? 05/07 (and for americans, that's the 5th of July)
Birth sign? I was born in the month of Cancer
Hometown? Castleford, WEST Yorkshire.
Current location? Bridgwater, Somerset
Hair color/Style? the way it is at the moment.
Eye color? Blue, depending on what colour eye shadow I wear to how blue they are.
Height? 5' 6", I'm a short arse
Heritage? English through and through
Education level? Got through school and college, didn't get as far as uni.
Stereotype? I don't fall into one catagory
Clothing style? Often seen in jeans, dolly shoes, vest and hoody/jacket
Best feature? My Smile
Piercings? left ear 4, right 3 and tongue.
Tattoos? um, 6 of them.
Think you are attractive? I'm okay
Believe in yourself? It depends what I'm doing.
Hopes for your future? Ask me when I feel sane.
Biggest weakness? my friends/ family hurt and distressed
Greatest fears? being alone
Health freak? not really
OCDs? Um, not that I know of...
Depressed? Sometimes
Regrets? There's a few
How do you want to die? Peacefully in my sleep, please?
Color? Um... purple, lilac, pale...
Food? Pasta Bakes are good at the moment
Book? I don't really have a fave book
Song? Don't let me get me, Pink.
Actor? Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom
Pizza? Domino's new Meteor
Movie? Again, don't really have a fave
Animal? I want a Yorkshire Terry, please??
Holiday? Um, I'll tel you when I've travelled some
Thirst quencher? Pepsi Max, squash...
Where would you like to live? Somewhere warm...
Been to or lived in a major city? Um, London, no.
What country would you most like to Visit? There's a lot of places I'd like to go
Been outside of your country? Spain...
Been to a major tourist spot (Grand canyon, Big Ben, Pyramids, etc)? Um... No...
Been to a major romantic spot (Niagara falls, Eiffel Tower, etc)? Haha, no.
Ever/Past month/Last 24 hours/Do you:
Smoke? Never smoked, never will.
Swear? That's a daily occurance.
Been drunk? A few times
Done any drugs? Nope, never.
Stolen anything? Um, no...
Had an argument? Not really
Gotten into a fight? Normally the one breaking it up
Been beaten up? No, managed to avoid it
Done more than kiss? Yes, and he was amazing
Been to a concert? haha, would have done it they hadn't posponed
Play an instrument: No, but would love to learn guitar one day
Play video games? Nope
Dance? When I'm drunk
Sing? Used to
Read? When I get the chance
Like storms? Hell yeah, love them.
Had/Have a crush? Who hasn't?
Been on a date? Yeah, great ex boyfriend... haha
Been on a blind date? Kinda, got stood up, too.
Kissed someone? Um, yeah...
Kissed the same sex? I've kissed a female
If Gay/Bi are you out? I think people know I'm straight.
Been called a tease? Haha, yeah...
Gone skinny dipping? No, I have not.
Had sex? Um, yeah...
Been in love? No, thought I was, but no I wasn't.
Been dumped? Yup, left some what hurt, too
Had your heart broken? No
Broken someone's heart? Probably
In a relationship now? No, that would mean I'd have a heart!
Want to get married? At some point in the future, but only if it's the right person
Have/want kids? Again, with the right person
Dating preferences:
Guys or girls? Guys, please...
Eye color? I like ones that draw my attention (usually blue or brown)
Hair color/Style? No real preference...
Height? Taller than me, pretty please
Fitness level? um, I don't mind...
Heritage? breathing, would be nice.
Stereotype? Someone like me... doesn't fit a group
Clothing style? Jeans and a t...
Best feature? funny...
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