Astrid profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm in your bedroom, I'm in your car, I'm all around you, but mostly nearest your lap. I am the voice on most radio and TV commercials.»-(¯..v..¯)-» Design your MySpace with MyLook «-(¯..v..¯)-«

My Interests

music, foreign languages,working out,sci-fi,travel,adventure,real estate, money, psychology,aeronautics,astronomy,debate.

I'd like to meet:

successful songwriters like Diane Warren,Sting, Ozzy Osbourne along with others that excel at their craft! Naomi Judd and other successful single moms! People who are creative,ambitious,humorous,compassionate and willing to make the world a better place!alien creatures from another planet!!yep i would!! so that way i can finally lay that myth to rest!! as long as they are nice and dont probe me or prod me!! wouldn't you want to know if we're alone or not in the universe?bill gates, jacques cousteau(when he was alive)warren bufffet cuz i already met jimmy buffet!(hehehe) richard branson!! oh yeah!! a spanish disney princess(right?) it's about time on that one people!!


Disturbed, Foo Fighters, Rush, Evanescence, Heart, Anything with a hard edge.


Click, 8mm, Usual Suspects, 7even, Wedding Singer,sicko,anything star trek, star wars




MANY LIVES MANY MASTERS, RISKING,EVERYTHING DIVORCE(HEHE)EVERYTHING REAL ESTATE food and wine mags,music mags, parenting mags, celestine prophecy, the bible(why not?)


Oprah, and single moms everywhere.those who use their talents to better humankind!!MY MOM, mostly my daughter because she has given me hope that life can be better and that i can do anything!!

My Blog

new sites to visit

new site to visit also astridvoxxmusic is wrong!! thanks...
Posted by Astrid on Mon, 15 Oct 2007 07:52:00 PST

email me to join the myspace music site coming soon!

if you want to be on  my new myspace music site where it's all about the music biz, the people( the good, bad, ugly and pretty)the music, lifestyle, secrets, contests, merchandise, free giveaways...
Posted by Astrid on Mon, 20 Aug 2007 07:21:00 PST

myspace music site

soon we'll have a myspace music site as well as www.mytracks/astridvoxx and one main site to link to! stay tuned........ the music will happen, hope you enjoy it!! ...
Posted by Astrid on Wed, 25 Jul 2007 08:52:00 PST

pure thoughts

blind as a bat i am!! need this font size to see you!! cant sleep i cant!! green eyes red they fear you hope all will end well soon before i see the midnight moon? can anyone relate here? slumber draw...
Posted by Astrid on Wed, 23 May 2007 08:14:00 PST