About Me:
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First let me just get one thing clear, i read pages and I'm not here hoe-hunting. Now after 3 years on myspace I have met a few people off of myspace. But for the most part Hoe-hunting only leads to heartbreak and kids... maybe even a std, shit i got kids to raise. I'm Still here for Conversation and to help advance the world to become a better place for my kids. I'm not one of those people who talks the talk and doesn't do anything about it, I'm a Political Activist, I'm unlike anyone you ever met in your life. I'm the master of the double negative, and I think in oxymoron's, I'm a novice at game, but a hall of famer at all things exquisite. I'm a writer, a painter, a father and most importantly the president of paper towels... That's right paper towels are my life I wall papered bounty ninja print paper towels all over my wall b/c I wanted too... I like Long Walks in the Supermarket, while listening to Goth Rock and wearing Purple Socks. I got a Dog, who has a Frog w/ a Solid Gold Bone. I also Own an Ant farm or Fire Ants who once escaped and damn hear ate my ex girlfriend alive. If I could fly, I would be a bird so I can shit on the cars of ever boss I ever had, when I get mad sometimes I throw pickles soaked in milk at people. Spit balls are my friend. Cartoons aimed at adults are the anti-christ. Bowling is Keen, Pool is great to play when you don't know how to play . Superman is weak. Lil Boosie sounds like a girl, One Fish Two Fish, Read Fish Blue Fish, Nick Nack Patty Wack give Michael Vick Pits a bone, If you want your Sexy Back Give me a call on my home phone... I own a Rotary Cell Phone that I send Text Messages on All Day Long.this next statement basically wraps me up in a simple paragraph.I need the world "to get to a place where, if you feel like you want to have watermelon... then you can walk into the middle of the Ritz Hotel and say 'Hey, man, I really just feel a need for watermelon deep in my soul.' And you know everybody at the next table are probably thinking, there go those Negroes w/ their watermelon again, but you won't care, You can eat that watermelon at the Ritz w/o caring one bit."