Tree profile picture


This is my last rollercoaster ride...

About Me

I'm a retired ballerina with an attitude problem who has become clumsy over the years. I'm loud and obnoxious. I'll talk to anyone. I'll make you laugh then drive you crazy. I surround myself with only the best of friends, and they tend to stick with me to the end and I'll stick with them right or wrong. I like people with good intentions and integrity. I think that both say alot about a person, and someone who has both, nice or not, can be said to be a better person than most. Not that I'm either, although I try. I'll do anything for anyone, if you just ask pretty please, every time. I like to help people who can be helped, although I think that you can't help everyone. My life's okay, like most people, it could be better. Everyday I try my best, if doesn't work out I figure that's okay, I'll try again tomorrow.Today's song is Dedicated to: ..I Love to blog: Only I dont have as much time to anymore...

My Interests

I'm in to hockey, frogs, fairies, skulls, bicycles, concerts, movies, dark beer, beads, art, fancy red wine, astrology, occult, cosmos, stars, and trees.


MUSIC IS ALL THAT MATTERS.The Cure, H.I.M./Ville Valo, Johnny Cash, Elvis Costello, The Cult, Clutch, Counting Crows, Of Montreal, The Distillers, The Smiths/Morrissey, Nada Surf, The Misfits, Death Cab for Cutie, She Wants Revenge, Lily Allen, James, Bad Religion, Cinderella, Weezer, Swing out Sister, Sex Patrol Girl, Rooney, The Clash, Bloodhound Gang, Duran Duran, Mazzy Star, New Order, Chris Issak, Modest Mouse, Dead or Alive, Bob Dylan, Bjork, The Sundays, The Red Elvises, The Raconteurs, They might be giants, The Killers, Tenacious D, Faster Pussycat, Goo Goo Dolls, The Vandals, Bouncing Souls, Smashing Pumpkins, Mephiskapheles, Social Distortion, Beastie Boys, Biohazard, Pixies, Enya, Siouxsie and the Banshees, Violent Femmes, Danzig, Rage, Suicidal Tendencies, Seatrain, Ramones, Skid Row, Lou Reed & the Velvet Underground, Sex Pistols, Public Image Ltd., Nine Inch Nails, Leechboy, Lords of Acid, Agnostic Front, The Mighty Mighty Bosstones, Skankin Pickle, Sirface, The Offspring, Skavoovie & the Epitones, Aqueduct, The Jesus and Mary Chain, Fugazi, Iron Madien, Elvis, The Psychedelic Furs, Joy Division, DRI, ELO, Mudhoney, Helmet, Faith No More, ECT., ECt., Ect., ect.


I get into all kinds of movies. I watch entirely too many.


I still miss X-Files.

I like/liked to watch Deadwood, Absolutely Fabulous, Young Ones, Carnival, Lost, Heroes, Sex in the City...for starters.


Truth is all I read is comics, The Civil War, Anita Blake, Sock Monkey, The Boys (hope they get picked up), Lenore, Whisper, Too Much Coffee Man, Stray Bullets,
Otherwise...Anything Isaac Asimov, William Burroughs, or Douglas Adams. Some of my favorites: "Weaveworld" by Clive Barker, "Something at the window is scratching" by Roman Dirge, "Glory Lane" by Alan Dean Foster


I don't believe in 'heroes' but i do admire Einstein.

My Blog

a D can never be an A

SOOOO, the dress went over well!! I cant lie, at 1st it was pretty harsh (a D can never be an A) but after a few drinks who the fuck cares, right??? BUT of course I didnt take any pictures of mys...
Posted by Tree on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 10:53:00 PST

How to fit a D into an A

I'm off to a wedding in two hours, well less than that actually. A very very good friend has found the woman of his dreams finally. Im so happy for him, blah blah blah. I borrowed a dress from my mom,...
Posted by Tree on Sat, 09 Jun 2007 09:15:00 PST

Is it me???

Is it me of have there been alot of changes goin down around mycrack lately??? Is it me or has only the Blog continued to suffer HTML disorder during this transformational time??
Posted by Tree on Thu, 07 Jun 2007 06:48:00 PST

**UPDATE!!** what to do what to do

I'm a concert/show whore, we all know this. However, Ive havent hit too many in recent years due to increased concert costs, so Ive only been seeing 10 give or take bands a year these days. Howe...
Posted by Tree on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 12:39:00 PST

rena rena ballerina

A couple people requested a ballerina picture, well I'll give you one, coz I'm a nice person...and thats all I have on me.   Thats me "Rena Rena Ballerina". Good Lord, blue eyeshadow was rampan...
Posted by Tree on Wed, 30 May 2007 06:51:00 PST

Can you smell that?

The smell of popcorn and cotton candy, funnel cakes and beer. AHHH yes, you know what I'm talkin about. It is Festival Season 2007 and Dan I hit the ground running, just like you would expect! Th...
Posted by Tree on Fri, 25 May 2007 09:28:00 PST

so normal its weird dance party

I believe I'm in need of something random to happen. I need a regular freindship that's not contingent on anything. Things have been going pretty good. The meds are finally starting to work and my job...
Posted by Tree on Wed, 23 May 2007 07:28:00 PST

Anniversary Festivities!!

2 years ago today my friend Liz sent me some weird email about this thing called MySpace and I joined. I figured what the fuck? I'll try this shite out. Without too many friends on my list I grew bore...
Posted by Tree on Fri, 11 May 2007 07:17:00 PST

*grinding teeth*

Why wont CRUNK just die? Its ricockulous. The word itself makes me grind my teeth in distaste. While trolling thru the Music section in MyCrack i see Crunk listed as a form of music and I have to wond...
Posted by Tree on Thu, 03 May 2007 09:36:00 PST

teenage obsession in progress.....

Meet my new obsession: Yes, Ville Valo. Creamy white skin, cigarrette perched on lip, tattooed and drunk, yeah. It all began about a year or so ago. I heard about this band HIM on the wind....
Posted by Tree on Tue, 01 May 2007 10:33:00 PST