The Official RUDY CLAI Entertainment Site profile picture

The Official RUDY CLAI Entertainment Site

"Leave me breathless"

About Me

Life is not measured by the amount of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away! I promote events, manage bands, musicians and produce music. Some people watch things happen. Others make things happen. And then there's people who say" what happened? I love to make things happen in every aspect of my life...throwing the hottest events... turning a talented artist or band into something big... down to my personal life. You can watch a game from the bleachers or come on the field and play the game. You might as well come on the field because it's a lot more fun in the field playing. Unfortunately, many people love reading romance novels and books about other peoples lives or watch tv or movies about other peoples adventures. Life is for living. Get out and have others read about you!

My Space or Yours? Myspace Layouts and more at!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet anyone who want to make it to the next level. People who want the best in life. People who want to be on top because anyone can be on the bottom. It doesn't take much effort to be on the bottom. Although I love to meet people on top because I admire them and love to learn from their accomplishments but also people who are stiving to get on top. I love the energy and the adventure. ;)


Doggybag, Upmost, too many to mention A HREF="" TARGET="_BLANK"

My Blog

Chicago’s Dictator Alderman make me ashamed to be a Chicagoan!!!

Get this America!  Alderman George Cardenas of  Chicago's 12th Ward proposed to add 10 to 25 cents for each bottle of WATER sold in Chicago.  Beleive it or not, America, this is an actu...
Posted by Rudy Clai, The "Official" callrudy site! on Thu, 16 Aug 2007 09:29:00 PST

New pics!!!!

Comment my new pics!!!!
Posted by Rudy Clai, The "Official" callrudy site! on Tue, 31 Jul 2007 10:23:00 PST

Rudy Wear!!!

Check out my new line of Rudy Wear! Go to my pics on page 2. Everything made in the U S A !!!...
Posted by Rudy Clai, The "Official" callrudy site! on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 08:21:00 PST