Louis, member of crews past, present and future: Redcar Collective, Drum Music, Longshot.
The list below is just some of the people who insipred and educated me in word-sound-music-power. Without them none of my music missions would be possible. Much love.
DRUM MUSIC - Manchester Music Veterans
VIBRATIONS - They started me off on this music business
STRANGEWAYS - Manchester's finest rave crew
DAYLITE ROBBERY - Unstoppable sound family
HIGH PRESSURE - Leeds Dub/Reggae/Jungle Massive
SYMBIOSIS - family
JAM JAH/FRIENDLY FIRE - Birmingham massive
I am promoter, designer, DJ, MC, producer and man on a mission. Main work right now is LONGSHOT, building a studio and hopefully a sound system.
LONGSHOT are a tight collective of music collectors, DJ's and sound system wannabes. We have been together as a collective for over 4 years. Although we have been known under other names (Good Vibrations, Redcar collective and other we wont talk about) we have consistently maintained the highest standards in music selection.
Our main aim is to rock every party we play at, whilst bringing the people a positive message. We have played at some of the most amazing events, house parties all over the country, raves, warehouse parties, outdoor parties, and some of the freshest club nights. Please check affiliates for the connections that are maintained by wideeyes, predominantly in the form of LONGSHOT.
Our long-term aim is to build up a decent sound system. We are currently supported by COMPRESSION and SYMBIOSIS sound systems. Recently we have been spending our money on studio gadgets and not speakers. We will soon be armed with our own versions and dubs to really get the dance floor rocking.
Although we have different backgrounds with regards to musical tastes, we all understand each other styles, a lot of which over laps. Recently we have come to play mostly reggae music, of all styles. A little bit of Ska, loads of Roots, Rub-a-dub, dancehall and dub. Although we still play killer Hip-hop sets, Disco, Funk and aren’t afraid to drop some Jungle and other raves bombs.
My Interests
Design, Art, Music, Bass, Speakers, Mixers, Studios, World Politics, Ancient Wisodm. It's about the cycles innit?
Reggae, Hip-Hop, Jungle, Dubstep, Funk, Rock, World