As Heidegger claimed on his deathbed, Sartre's Lobster may or may not exist.
Having possibly turned down a Grammy Award as being nothing more than bourgeois tokenism for the band's debut album, Greatest Hits: Dread, Death and the Weight of Existence , Sartre's Lobster could well have become legendary for their collaboration with European dance-pop trio, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche & Marcel, also known as the Humanism League. But truth is subjective, subjectivity is objective, and Sartre's Lobster, neither red nor sporting a beehive, was too busy stalking drug-crazed philosophers to record Being Boiled (And Served With Drawn Butter) .
Recorded while overcoming ostraconophobia through the therapeutic use of horseradish, their second single, Jean Genet's Genie , failed to make the charts after the band decided not to promote it and took 10 years off to write a cookbook. Simon the Beaver, who admired the recipes greatly, was free to not stay for lunch. The rest is indifference.
Where's the exit? I feel nauseous...
What the Press would most likely say, if we sent them something
Songwriters Sartre's Lobster show a consistency of quality and songsmanship that is second to none. In all of their creations, both old and new, there is a magical mix of heart, power, maturity and soul that escapes some of their more pretentious contemporaries.
It's a reflection of their skills and unique sound, combined with the plethora of baited hooks apparent in their material that makes their music so irresistible.Fuelled by an ever increasing repertoire of slick, catchy and incredibly powerful songs, Sartre's Lobster continue to produce intelligent, thoughtful, consummately crafted music that will take its rightful place amongst the greats of any discerning record collection
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