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About Me

"zucht, ordnung und elektronische musik"character, honour, respect, discipline, order...long life to the true onespro extremisvltra die jugend söldnergeist artwar . vltra . youth violent playground artwar . vltra . ebm muscle and hate artwar . vltra . ebm d.p.a.i. artwar . vltra . boots these boots . precious boots discipline . these bootsthese boots of mine helped me trough all along the way through rain and through sunshine, badlands and better days life can be tough sometimes, don't know if i'll survive but i'll never surrender, i'll always keep my head up high when i found myself in times of trouble and there was no one there for me i felt like giving in but that just wasn't me so i put on these boots and get back an track again i fought hard to make it back and i'll fight until the bitter endthese boots of mine have carried me all the way they made me what i am, the man i am today these boots of mine aren't shiny and bright but at least they've got the strength to keep the flame alivethere's battles i lost, there's battles i won these boots are old and worn out but still they carry on the man i am today is not the man that i've been i'm never going back to learn these lessons again you may think what you want, you may think that i'm wrong but I don't care 'cuz in these shoes you wouldn't last long i'll be walking and walking until the end of time now i know that I can't loose with these boots of minethese boots of mine have carried me all the way they made me what i am, the man i am today these boots of mine aren't shiny and bright but at least they've got the strength to keep the flame alive container 90 . precious bootsi got myself an education and i got myself a job an ordinary man i am but i..m still got a grip1, 2, boots of precious! 3, 4, boots of precious!times are changing life goes on bordom is a reality one thing reminds me of my past cos i belong to the working classboots of precious! boots of precious!as a statment and a mark something within my heart they keep me to my roots and steady to the ground1, 2, boots of precious! 3, 4, boots of precious!to my work and to the bar every day of the year i have never lost my trust in rubber, leather and steelboots of precious! boots of precious!boots of precious carry my pride built to last through my life boots of precious on my side built to last through the strifeboots of precious! boots of precious! artwar . vltra . die jugend ebm united! ...

My Interests

music friends ...

I'd like to meet:

bands- ebm oldschool - ebm anhalt - ebm - electro oldschool - dark electro oldschool - industrial - power electronics - power noise - dark ambient - folk [neo folk, dark folk, apocalyptic folk...] - oi / skin ...bands like ...ebmers- electric tremor dessau - altmark electros - chemnitz electros - ebm corps aschersleben - ebm elite sandersleben - ebm fraktion rostock nord west - ebm jugend dresden - ebm jugend stockholm - ebm kommando altmark - ebm panzerdivision - ebm westfront nrw - electro body legion roma - electro combinat havelland - electro stompers leipzig - electrofront erzgebirge - elektro brigade merseburg - elektronisches kampfkollektiv sachsen - elite corps barnim - gardekorps anhalt - vale tudo neubrandenburg ...
ebm united! thanks to electric tremor and all dessau ebmers . germany ebm united! thanks to altmark electros and all altmark electros . germany ebm united! thanks to dan and all ebm corps aschersleben . germany ebm united! thanks to ebm jugend stockholm . sweden ebm united! thanks to .."http://www.myspace.com/124715945"target="_blank"ebm westfront nrw . germany ebm united! thanks to electro body legion . roma . italy ebm united! thanks to electro combinat . germany ebm united! thanks to trafo [2103] and all electro stompers leipzig . germany ebm united! thanks to major @ ee and all elektrofront erzgebirge . germany
ebm united! thanks to moving forces and all elektronisches kampfkollektiv sachsen . germany ...[harsh] industrial and power electronics people ...


ebm oldschool ebm anhalt ebm electro oldschool industrial power electronics power noise dark ambient folk [neo folk, dark folk, apocalyptic folk...] oi / skin ......of tanz victims 2nd communication [a]-synchron a.a.a.k. a.d.a.c.8286 a-head a-tyd a split second a thousand societies absent minded absolute body control active media disease ad:key advanced art agenda aghast view agressiva aircrash bureau alien sylvas womb alpha squad altmark electros amgod amnistia an unknown command angst pop angstfabrikk anstalt anti-aircraft armageddon dildos art XII astma ausgang verboten autodafeh aworkx axonal warfare bad cock bang elektronika baptiste and me batz without flesh beborn beton bedlam benestrophe berlin express bigod 20 bionic bizarre alliance blind vision block 57 blue eyed christ body pleasure bodyfarm borghesia boris mikulic brain distortion brain leisure breathe brigade werther brutal divergenz bulimia bytet caesarian section cai 777 calva y nada carlos peron cat rapes dog cephalgy chaingun operate chassala ckatarsi click click clock dva code industry coinside collapse colosseo commando coumpound consequence consolidated construggle test contagion container 90 controlled analog programming controlled bleeding controlled fusion consequence construggle test cosmic zone cult goes culture cultivated bimbo cyberaktif cybernetic faces cyberthreat cyborg attack cyborgs cycloon d-f-o-w d-sign d.a.r.p.a. dahmer syndrom dance or die darkmen data bank a de-fact de vermis mysteriis dead eyes open deathlines experience defcon 4 defekto nagrobek dekalog III delay dementia simplex deo cadaver der liederkranz der prager handgriff deutsch amerikanische freundschaft deutsch nierderländischen freundschaft deutsche berittene spetsnaz die krupps digital convention digital factor digital poodle digital slaughter dilemma dominion drp dunkelheit dupont dy.sturb e! truncheon e-craft e-norm e.c.m. eco econic eiskalte gaeste ekobrottsmyndigheten electro assassin elektro musikalisches klang orchester elektrofront erzgebirge elektronikpunks elephant vs. bromley eliphas levy elite! endzustand enemy alliance entre deux guerres escalator escoria g.v.d. evil sermon evil's toy experimental change request f.p.a.c. fatal morgana fator impacto feindflug fektion fekler ferro concrete fight in unity fixed image force dimension force mission formal defect forst projekt fortification 55 franz riss front 242 front line assembly frontal fuze box machine g.g.f.h. genital a-tech gorf guerrilla hardware harry haujobb hexacon homicidal feelings human resource hydrom line ic 434 ice ages idiogene geniotie ignore alien orders image transmission in absentia in sotto voce incision base incubated sounds index infact impulz 21
infam insekt intoxication ionic vision inside treatment institute for the criminally insane jäger 90 judge:dred k-factor kalte farben katarsi kebabträume khommand 45 kindread klute kneel in front of the executioner kobayashi maru kode IV kommando xy konzept kraftakt kreutzfeldt jacob kriegbereit krompholz kropp la mort de la maison lassigue bendthaus last delay le nokto vezyn ledernacken les berrtas leaether strip legionaire lescure 13 liaisons dangereuses liquid g logic / naive lokomotiv lost image lpf 12 lunettes noir machine soldier machinery mainesthai manipulation manufacture mao tse tung experience margaret freeman martyr colony maruta kommand maschinensturm massenheit master program maxence cyrin mental conquest mental inquisition mentallo & the fixer menticide metro pakt mezire micro chip league mildreda militant cheerleaders on the move mimic mind mnd control misantronic congelation morbid fancy morgue mortal constraint next generation nov com mussolini headkick necron 99 necrophilistic anodyne negri bodies nejet 'nok network access nerve conflict neukampf neuroactive neurondeath new mind nex generation nigra nebula nitzer ebb no comment no minds noirphesia noise control noise production noise unit nomenclatura non aggression pact noxious fraction nuclear error numb oil in the eye operating strategies opponent teuton orange sector organic insight out of control overgament overlords p.p.? page 12 pain emission panic on the titanic pankow panzer division panzerlab para paracont parade ground paralyse syndrom paranoid parasite perverse mind pierrepoint pinsel liest! placebo effect plastic noise experience pop's pest control pouppée fabrikk prayer tower presto fervant pro patria proceed profile awful projekt tanz prototyp psychopomps putrefy factor 7 radar 23 reality remyl rescue revolting cocks rf maniac ringtailed snorter rk-z1 robotiko rejekto rotfront! rummelsnuff s.d.f. sabotage qu'est-ce que c'est scapa flow scarecrow schnitt acht second voice section 25 section terminted security device sepülchre inc. sequenz-e serpents setrakian seven trees severance shade factory shalt frequentz shock corridor sielwolf sigbefia five signal aout 42 simbolo skinny puppy skoyz sleepwalk sloopy wrenchbody snog solar enemy somnambulist sonic system spark! spartak spetsnaz sphere lazza splatter squall stereo taxic device steril stg stiff miners stroma sturm cafe substation suicide commando suiciety supreme court swamp terrorists sweeting sickness system der dinge systemfehler t.a.n.k. tankt tech nomader technoir teknition templebeat terminal state terror against terror teutonic knights the bleeding stone the cain principle the curse of deprivation the dark the forbidden deejays the fourthman the innocence of crime the insult that made a man out of mac the klinik the psychic force the unkown the vermin time zone control tolchok 14 total harmonic distortion touch el arab toxic shock syndrome tilt! transform at zero trauma trial tribantura typis belgis tyske ludder u.m.m. ugh...! umo detic vanishing point vanessa variance vishnu index vivante tableau voice of destruction void kampf volt voltage control volvo 242 vomito negro von magnet wahlschaft warzaw pact wasted doom watchmem waveform what's will white house white wumpscut x-10 x-marks the pedwalk xol dog 400 xorcist xxx atomic toejam yelworc yeht mae zentrum der arbeit zero defects ...a.r.s. a challenge of honour advokat ihrer hoheit allerseelen alter breitenbach anal harsh perversion anenzephalia arditi atrax morgue atrox autopsia azure skies b-nai b-rith bär & co bearer of the inmost sun belborn blasterkoprs brighter death now carsten volmer cawatana club moral code 243 cold flesh colony con-dom concrescence dagda mor darkwoord death in june define der blutharsch dernière volonté des esseintes deutsch nepal dies natalis diktat division s doc paranoise dresden 45 einleitungszeit eisengrau ex.order fall weiss foresta di ferro forseti gale grand central genevieve pasquier genocide lolita genocide organ gerechtigkeits liga gift grey wolves grunt haus arafna human destructure hysterisis i.c.k. institut institution d.o.l. irikarah irm iron justice karl runau kreuzweg ost la nomenklatur leger des heils legion condor legion ultra leiche rustikal les joyaux de la princesse linija mass lux interna magmax mandible chatter maria zerfall maska genetik mauthausen orchestra men behind the sun mental destruction mondblut mourmansk 150 mürnau neuropathic force feedback nightmarish nimoy nod novalis november noevelet of the wand and the moon operation cleansweep operation julmond ostara painslut panzar ppf psychologische abwehrfront radio mourmansk radio murmansk rasthof dachau rectal surgery rose rovine e amanti schloss tegal schwadron scivias sektion b sharon's last party shouts noise pulse simon schall slogun solblot sonne hagal soulcripple soldnergeist spiritual front stahlwerk 9 streicher strom.ec stupor subliminal suomalaista sotamarssia survival unit terror organ tesendalo the musick wreckers the thieves of impressions thorofon tormentum totensonntag tugend mensch varunna victim kennel viron wappenbund zzznrrr ... ...as products 5f_55 5f-x adjacency pair aktivate sin alarmen ambassador 21 amrit kalash andxesion architect ars moriendi asche ativ aural blasphemy axiome b.s.e. bahntier beinhaus black lung caos sonoro catholic boys in heavy leather cell auto mata celluloid mata centrozoon config.sys contaminant converter das kombinant dazzling malicious de fabriek detruema frekvenco deutsch katholische feindschaft / deaktive kontrol funktion die neue sachlichkeit disastrous din dive edgey einstuerzende neubauten elektronengehirn esplendor geometrico exclipsect frames a second geistform genetic selection genozid greyhound heimstatt yipotash holocaust theory hybryds hypnoskull idyl in_coma imminent starvation / imminent interferenz iszoloscope klangstabil kom-intern konform l'ombre law leichenfeld m.o.a.t.a.-omen marita schreck mechanical pain device mimetic mimetic dancing mimetic desire missratener sohn mlada fronta mondblut mono no aware monokrom monotoxin morgenstern ms gentur ms mono muslingauze navicon torture technologies nebelhorn nkvd nobdrun norm notstandskomitee ohrenschmerz orphx p.s.g.k. pal pineal gland zirbeldruese polarlicht 4.1 pow(d)er pussy proyecto mirage psychedelic headshot punch inc. recuse rorschach garden roger rotor s.k.e.t. s:cage salt sanctum savak saverio evangelista schachtanlage gegenort scrap.edx severed heads shorai slides sona eact sonar sonic dragolgo spk squaremeter stalingrad stigma stin scatzor synapscape synth-etik telepherique telerotor templegardens test dept. th26 tgvt typhoid this morn' omina thorax totschlagen tunnel veruschka vidna obmana vromb wai pi wai winterkälte xebox xotox your mistress zoviet france zymosiz ... 4 skins agent bulldog agnostic front bakers dozen bandeira de combate blitz bootstroke bovver boys civico 88 cock sparrer combat 84 condemned 84 contra ataque coup de masse curasbun oi! death or glory devotchkas discipline dropkick murphys expulsos do bar fatal impact fist of steel goldblade glory boys infa riot impact iron fist jesus skin kaos urbano kategorie c klasse kriminale knochenfabrik krawallbrüder last resort les vilains lion's pride madness midgards söner non servium oi polloi olho seco on file on the rampage operace artaban overload perkele pilsner oiquell retaliator scum section 5 skincorps social distortion snix stomper 98 suspenders the arrogants the agitators the business the lagerlads the oppressed the riot the veros tir groupe tumulto 64 ultima thule ultimo asalto unantastbar united front urban crew verlorene jungs virus 27 warzone west side boys ...


le bunker+tetsuo . iron man+...



My Blog

lescure 13

lescure 13 . prospects [promo] tape side a spastic motions [ionic mentation] side b screaming hell [purgation mix] lescure 13 . collaborators tape side a in the basementbehind the doorpeople [cut vers...
Posted by vltra on Thu, 19 Oct 2006 07:18:00 PST


intoxication . contradict tape side a intoxicationdarkness vol. 1a dreamanalysis vol. 2analysis vol. 1pain and pleasurenew artfilter side b sisterneon fashiondie nachtdevotionthe eyemy bodyzerfalllieb...
Posted by vltra on Thu, 19 Oct 2006 07:14:00 PST

brain distortion / brain leisure

brain distortion . schematiks tape side a mortal start darkside off the line x/tazi mind distortion side b punish me absolute kudo's affliction in spiritus sancti immortal end brain leisure . no tv s...
Posted by vltra on Mon, 02 Oct 2006 12:42:00 PST

sequenz-e . ...coming to destroy

sequenz-e . ...coming to destroy we are coming and see the lightswe are the youth and fighting for rights we are coming......coming to destroy we are coming from the oldschoolwe will back - back to ru...
Posted by vltra on Mon, 02 Oct 2006 12:37:00 PST

container 90 . precious boots

container 90 . precious boots i got myself an educationand i got myself a joban ordinary man i ambut i´m still got a grip 1, 2,  boots of precious!3, 4,  boots of precious! times are changin...
Posted by vltra on Mon, 02 Oct 2006 12:33:00 PST

discipline . these boots

discipline . these boots these boots of mine helped me trough all along the waythrough rain and through sunshine, badlands and better dayslife can be tough sometimes, don't know if i'll survivebut i'l...
Posted by vltra on Mon, 02 Oct 2006 12:28:00 PST