DWM sssearching for SSSSWF. Leader of a ruthlessss terrorissst organization determined to rule the world. Ssssingle. Essstranged son. Trussst issssuesss. Likess: hiking and kayaking. Dislikess: bumbling idiotsss. (IE: Twinsss, Sswamp Punksss, Chrome Domess, Cloned Emporerss)
Ssstatement of purpossse: When the citizenry loll back on their fat haunches and hire poor minoritiesss to do their dirty work, we win! When love of money eclipses moral conviction, we win! When good men sssee the ascension of evil and do nothing, we WIN!Our household cleaning product pyramid scheme growsss exponentally! It iss a money making juggernaut! It is based on man's willingnesss to exploit hisss neighborssss!Our nation wide "GREED IS GOOD" seminarss are filled to capacity and our media department hasss ssssucceeded in selling ten more mindlesss sitcomsss to the networkss to further lower the intelligence of America!
You Are 100% Evil
You're the most evil person you know.
The devil is even a little scared of you!
How Evil Are You?