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copy the link below and paste it in the search it will take you to the home page, then clcik listen and click on the picture to hear my show streamlined over the internet thursdays from 12 noon to 1pm you don't want to miss this. http://www.kclafm.comHost/Personality/DJ Patty's Playlist live every thursday from 12:00pm-1pm on Kcla 99.3 fm or www.kclafm.comPlaying music from indie bands, singers, songwriters, musicians, new artists, etc. Trying to give new talent the opportunity to be heard on the air...If you think you have what it takes, then send me your stuff..... I believe everyone has talent, its finding the talent that i like, that I will play........ ..
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make custom gifts at Zazzlehere is the link to buy my merch.... See my gallery at Zazzle