our town
our lives
local music
local grub
one-tank road trips
.., we have goodies like:
a calendar of events
tan cam pics
Pick up your free copy at bars, restaurants, coffee shops, laundromats, tanning/hair salons, tattoo joints, etc.
Our goals: to culturally represent Erie's young adults, to cover the hell out of the local entertainment scene, and to be your source for what's going in Erie every month. Here's our free calendar . If you have an event, send a note to [email protected] and we'll post it within a day.
As for tangent's MySpace, this is where readers can connect with each other, bands/artists can pimp their tunes and people can express their opinions. We'll post bulletins to say when issues are coming out, when the web site is updated, when we'll be tancam'in at your favorite drinking hole, etc.
So open wide baby bird, mama's got a big fat nightcrawler of tangent just for you. We publish at the end of every month. Check us out .. at www.tangenterie.com
This profile was edited with MySpace Profile Editor MySpace Profile Editor
Hey Erie! Represent the Bay City's original mag on your page!
Just paste the text below into your "About Me" section!