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Om Mani Payme Hung

About Me

Born in Baltimore, Md. in 1923, graduated from Baltimore Polytechnic High School 1941. Became a Naval Aviation Cadet in 1941,WWII era; earned Naval Aviator Wings & commissioned 2nd Lt.USMC at Pensacola in 1942. Flew Corsairs during the invasion of Guam--1944---flew the great F4U-Corsair off the Aircraft Carrier, USS Intrepid, during the Okinawa campaign-1945 ( hit by 2 Kamekazes-burned for 48 hrs). Flew the Corsair for Airshows after the war. Top secret mission to Persian Gulf, aboard Baby Flat-Top USS Siboney in 1947, flying Corsairs. Flew Corsairs off the USS Midway as part of the US Navy Sixth Fleet in the Mediterranean Sea 1949. As a Captain, USMC, during the Korean War, flew Corsairs off USS Bataan, a converted Cruiser, in the Yellow Sea against North Korea. Participated in The heroic Chosin Reservoir Campaign in 1951. Earned The Distinguished Flying Cross & nine Air Medals etc. Flew Helicopters in postwar Japan 1956-1957. Retired in 1963 as a Major,USMC after 21 yrs. service. Worked for The Guggenhiem Foundation (AVSER div.--crashing aircraft for research purposes and teaching Aircraft Crash Survival Technology) in Arizona from 1963 to 1966. Entered Christian Ministry in 1966, studying at The San Francisco Theological Seminary (Presbyterian)in San Anselmo, Ca. I left in 1970 with a Masters degree in Divinity & a Masters in Pastoral Psychology. Now,a pacifist, I worked at the Haight Asbury Free Medical Clinic in San Francisco as Chief Psychologist from 1970-1975; did private practice from 1976 to present with a Transpersonal orientation. I lived In Marin County north of SF from 1966-1974, and in San Francisco from 1974 to 2000. In the year of 2000 I moved to the little town of Willits Ca., Mendocino County--- the Gateway to the Redwoods---three hrs. north of SF. I entered my 85th year on June 29th, 2007. As a seasoned hunter of wild mushrooms, I still go out into the deep forests of Northern California alone in search of them. Up here in Mendocino County we have the best shrooms in the world, such as porchinis, chantrelles; matsutakes, morels--- among "other things", all of which get you high-----because of their lovely Yin-ness. I stopped flying fast fighter aircraft a long time ago; but I still fly fast through innerspace. My mind is still razor sharp; my curiosity has no limits. My greatest interest is, and always has been, the enigmatic nature of the Christ; this interest transcends all religeous sectarianism. My view of the Christ is in a perpetual state of change and depends on the context of the moment I'm living in. Though no longer associated with any specific religion, I'm as much of a Buddhist, Christian, Jew, Hindu, or Sufi, as anything else. OM----Om Mani Padme Hum----Om Mani Payme Hung-------Shalom Alechem-----Salaam Alaikum---Om Shanti Shanti. The Christ is within---not up in the sky ( beware of the person whose God is up in the sky); ----the eschaton ( 2nd coming ) is here now----------for those who " have eyes to see and ears to hear"------and the will to do the hard work of going into the darkness (i.e. the"cloud" of our own unconsciousness). YAWEH/ELOHIM lived in a cloud; Jesus comes again riding on a cloud. Namaste

My Interests

Rated on a scale of 1 to 10Politics= 5 World affairs=7 Humanity=10 Religeon=4 Spirituality=10 Herbology= 10 Chinese Medicine=8 Entheogens=8 Gardening=8 Mushrooming=8 Psychology=9 Gurdjieff=9 Jung=9 Wilson Van Dusen=10 Swedenborg=10 Alan Watts=9 etc.,etc.

I'd like to meet:

Everyone----but especially people who are awake, people who want to wake up; people with depth, compassion, curiousity, and intelligence.People who are sincere but are not serious about life.People who enjoy politics as theater; who aren't furious about it-----or anything else, for that matter.


Bach, Mozart, Beethoven ---in that order--------Regae, Bob Dylan, Greatful Dead, Allman Brothers, Derek and the Dominos, Janis Joplan, Pink Floyd, Blugrass, The Band, Neil Young, Bjork, Bobby McFerrin, Crissy Hines, Jenny Kerr, etc.


The Elephant Man-----L.A. Confidential----High Art---Secretary----Home At The End Of The World----Elizebeth I---The Wire----Sopranos----


Love's Body-- Norman O. Brown,---nails Christian Fundamentalism Birth of Pleasure-- Carol Gilligan,---(nails the patriarchy). Dreams, Memories and Reflections; Man And His Symbols--Carl Jung. Divine Providence, Divine Love and Wisdom,etc. by Swedenborg. Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism--Chogyam Trungpa. The Mystic Path To Cosmic Consciousness--Vernon Howard. Silence of the Heart----Paul Ferrini. The Yoga of Herbs. The Power of Now; Stillness Speaks-----Eckhart Tolle. Psychological Commentaries on the Teaching of Gurdjieff and Ouspensky. Tao Te Ching-----Lao TsuGreat Song--The Life and Teachings of Joe Miller. "There is a great song, a great music happening in life at all times. So be the true note that you are"---Joe Miller.The Book Of The It.----A revealing theory of eros, the compelling force that motivates the lives of men and women--by: Georg Groddeck. Jews God And History by Max L. Dimont


Dalai Lama----teaches compassion to the world Emanuel Swedenborg--greatest Christian mystic in modern history. Carl Jung--pioneer in showing world the psychology and nature of The Divine Female. Alan Watts---Guru to The Beats & then the Love Generation--bringing the psychology and the esoteria of the East to the West. Wilson Van Dusen-- one of the wisest explorers of the inner life in the world. Martin Luther King--The Moses who led us "out of bondage"; into the "Wilderness" towards "The Promised Land"----he didn't get there; neither did we; after "forty years" since his death we've "crossed the Jordan" and are now fighting the "battle of "Jerico" on our way up to Canaan, the Land of Milk and Honey.. "Joshua fought the battle of Jerico, Jerico, Jerico---- and the walls came a-tumblin' down". Dennis Kucinnich--The most informed and honest man in Congress. Alas,He won't become president, but will keep 'em all honest & on their toes Pappy Boyington--Tough Marine, supberb leader, great Ace, heroic as prisoner in Japan in WWII. Congressional Medal Of Honor. Elenore Poosvelt--The bravest, most valuable; most accomplished First Lady ever Hillary Clinton--The body of a woman, but the heart of a president. Elizabeth Cady Stanton (Womens Sufferege)--Courage in the face enormous hatred and opposition by the patriarchy--which is still alive, and as demonic as ever. Susan B. Anthoney--same as above---a great woman Mother Theresa--she loved and cared for the "unlovable"--the "despised and rejected"(see Is.53) Rosa Parks--by refusing to sit in the back of the bus, she triggered the big surge of Black Liberation and, indirectly, womens liberation. My Father--Harry Cole Henneberger--who loved knowlege and humanity. My Mother--Ann Esther Henneberger--who loved laughter and hated pretense.

My Blog


   Gems From A Therapist's Notebook 4     Asking for love makes us unlovely, for it reveals the extent to which we don't love ourselves. The reality we create is not the event th...
Posted by Harry on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 04:22:00 PST

More gems

Whatever relationships I have attracted in my life at this time are precisely the ones I need and are serving my own evolution perfectly.   Let go of my own importan...
Posted by Harry on Fri, 03 Aug 2007 09:05:00 PST

Gems from a notebook

Gleanings, borrowings, aphorisms; notes from a therapist's notebook 2     Presencing is the non-judgemental placement of attention.   Eating is a way to avoid being present with our fe...
Posted by Harry on Mon, 23 Jul 2007 12:14:00 PST

Notebook gems

               Gleanings,borrowings,notes;aphorismsfrom   a therapists notebook   If we dont love ourselves, no one else can...
Posted by Harry on Sun, 22 Jul 2007 05:05:00 PST


"The most blatant manifestation of projections is in self righteous political convictions ... as soon as tolerance and humor disappear, we can presume that projections have entered the picture ... If ...
Posted by Harry on Fri, 13 Jul 2007 03:37:00 PST

Gems From Lao Tzu

Posted by Harry on Mon, 28 May 2007 05:51:00 PST

Be Someone

..> Be Someone Be someone who listens, and you will be heard. Be someone who cares, and you will be loved. Be someone who gives, and you will be blessed. Be someone who comforts, and you will know ...
Posted by Harry on Sun, 22 Apr 2007 03:38:00 PST

Dog shit and loud music

  ..       &nbs p;         &nbs p;         &nbs p;   ...
Posted by Harry on Wed, 07 Mar 2007 12:57:00 PST


  Lying, in the work sense, is slightly different from lying as the word is usually used, a little more subtle perhaps. Perhaps we might think it is less damaging than what we normally consider a...
Posted by Harry on Fri, 02 Mar 2007 05:15:00 PST

nature mysticism

Nature Mysticism   passages from essays of  Richard Jefferies' later period (1880s) 'The long, loving touch of the sun has left some of its own mystic attraction in the brook.  Re...
Posted by Harry on Tue, 13 Feb 2007 11:10:00 PST