Anyone that helps me to... THINK deep, LAUGH hard, FEEL strong, DREAM big.
Everyone and Anyone that TOUCHES MY HEART AND SOUL.
Kindred Souls, Deep Level Soul Mates and Spiritual Teachers.
It's easy to get caught up in this MYSPACE stuff. All the millions of messages that seem to come and go across all of our pages. Sometimes I feel lost in the never-ending flow. I just want to say a special thank you to the following people for their continued inspiration to me. And, even if you don't realize, you've been such an important part of my Journey....
JoJo...Sister, you ROCK. I find such a loving strength from you. Your determination to send the PEACE out is priceless. Your constant flow of Love has shown me to just let my inhibitions go and find that true wild child inside that I've always been afraid to let out.
Christine...It's no secret that you crack me up. I just LOVE your sense of humor and your ability to bring a smile to my face. Your creativity sometimes amazes me and keeps me always reaching for the artist inside of myself.
Mary...You've been a friend in my life forever. But until recently I guess I've never felt the depth of that friendship. I'm so thankful for the past months and the connection that we share together.
Rusti...Words can never tell you how much I appreciate you. You are truly a beautiful soul. I'm so thankful to have you in my life. You continue to be such an inspiration and teacher to me. I strive daily to find the stillness inside...and when I reach that place I know I couldn't have found that peace if it weren't for you.