I like making movies. I haven't done enough of it. The coolest thing I think I've been involved with to date withe "I Wanna Be Yr. Dog" video for The Consequences. I'm in the midst of producing a DVD with them, and its starting to shape up pretty nicely. I've been working with Final Cut Pro non-stop for about five years, and I think I'm just might be getting the hang of it.
Of course I also like playing video games, smoking green and partying like anyone else.
I listen to alot of stuff, and it kind of changes. Lately my turntable has been spinning: The Arcade Fire, Portishead, The Postal Service, Deathcab for Cutie, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, The Shins, and whatever else.
The Pistols at Dawn - Live at Club 770The Consequences - Live at The Halfway HouseI think film can be as powerful as any art form in the right hands. I'll usually be able to tell you who directed a movie before I can think of who stared in it.
Movies I Dig:
Donnie Darko (Theatrical Cut), Sin City, Bottle Rocket, Rushmore, Royal Tennenbalms, Life Aquatic, Resivour Dogs, Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Batman Begins, Equilibrium, Pi, Requiem For A Dream, Lord Of The Rings, and I'll come up with more soon.
I also just dig watching cheesy action flicks with the lady.
Yea, uhh Twin Peaks is nutz and South Park Rules.
Fight Club
Wes Anderson, Quentin Tarantino, and Darren Aronofsky